Chemistry Gone Wrong: Why Was Jesse and Jane's Love Story Doomed in Breaking Bad?

Chemistry Gone Wrong: Why Was Jesse and Jane's Love Story Doomed in Breaking Bad?
Image credit: Legion-Media

Jesse Pinkman was mocked as much as possible by the show's writers. But there was a small bright moment when a girl came into his life to ease his loneliness and fill his free time.

However, fans now believe that Jane was never who she claimed to be.

Jane was introduced as a recovering drug addict, just like Jesse. While they may initially bond over their shared struggles, it is clear that her addiction poses a significant threat to their relationship.

Both characters enable each other's addictive behavior, leading to a downward spiral of self-destruction.

The girl's manipulative nature becomes apparent as the show progresses. She consistently manipulates Jesse into making impulsive and dangerous decisions solely to serve her own interests.

For example, she encourages him to continue manufacturing drugs, which ultimately leads to tragic consequences.

Also, fans believe that Jane's intention was to get the money from Walt, not to run off with Jesse, but to take the cash for herself.

When the girl was sober, she had little interest in the material aspect of things, but in moments of intense addiction, the dollar became the center of the universe.

Other fans point out that there is no way to know for sure how Jane would have reacted, since she did not even know about the money when she was clean. Viewers agree that Jane probably would have left Jesse, breaking his heart.

Jane's lack of ambition and drive is a stark contrast to Jesse's potential for growth. Throughout the series, Pinkman demonstrates his ability to create and innovate, even in the criminal underworld.

But first it was his parents who stifled his passions, and then it was the girl who chose drugs over museums and movies.

Jane's destructive influence leads to Jesse's emotional downfall. As he becomes increasingly entangled in the chaos of their relationship, Jesse's mental state rapidly deteriorates, resulting in his alienation from loved ones and a loss of self.

When she dies, the codependent bond begins to unravel, but it is this moment that finally breaks Jesse and makes him a different person.

The guy who was once friendly and affable becomes lonely and distant. Walt really ruined Jesse's life, but the mentally unhealthy relationship with Jane ruined him just as much.

Source: Reddit