Another Young Sheldon Major Plot Hole Is Easily Explained by TBBT Fans

Another Young Sheldon Major Plot Hole Is Easily Explained by TBBT Fans
Image credit: CBS

This time Sheldon may be right.

Throughout the years of its television run that ended just a couple of weeks ago, The Big Bang Theory ’s prequel Young Sheldon has repeatedly proved to be somewhat ignorant of the original show’s storyline. Fans have constantly pointed out some insignificant or even quite big inconsistencies that Young Sheldon demonstrated with seemingly no notice from its creators.

Now that the prequel’s story is over and all the major plot holes got a pretty decent explanation in the finale, one particular detail from Sheldon’s life still seems like a mystery to be resolved. Luckily, The Big Bang Theory fans already did it.

In the original show, not so many details about Sheldon Cooper’s previous life in Texas emerge, though fans still caught some little pieces of information that would later add to everything we saw in Young Sheldon. The Big Bang Theory once stated that Sheldon had a dog when some of his visiting relatives brought it up, specifying that the dog was noisy.

What’s even more interesting here, Sheldon himself tells everyone that he used to have a cat called Lucky when he was a child, but what made viewers gasp back then was the fact that Lucky had been run over by Montgomery Ward Delivery Van. Despite having to go through such a loss at a young age, Sheldon’s love for pets, especially cats, was highlighted by the show quite some times.

Though the biggest problem here is that Young Sheldon once again seems to have missed this part in the character’s earlier life. Throughout the whole run of seven seasons, the series doesn’t feature any pet in the Coopers’ house, not even a dog.

This could still be explained by Sheldon’s inconsistency while writing his own memoir, but The Big Bang Theory fans have a better version of what happened. Numerous users took it to a Reddit thread claiming that Sheldon had owned both the dog and cat mentioned in the original show before the moment Young Sheldon picked up the character’s storyline.

According to some fans, Sheldon had a dog when he was only 2, and his cat died when he was 9.

This seems like a very plausible justification for Sheldon’s questionable narration, yet some users still suggested that it could be some kind of special way to erase a big trauma from his memory which will thus never be mentioned in the memoir as if it never happened.

Still, the story is over, and we’ll never get to know what it really was, though the best option for now is sticking to Young Sheldon’s timeline.

Source: Reddit