
Angelina Jolie Ready for a Huge Hollywood Comeback

Angelina Jolie Ready for a Huge Hollywood Comeback
Image credit: globallookpress

One of the most iconic women in the movie industry, Angelina Jolie has been noticeably absent for years — but now, she's ready to begin her second era of reign in Hollywood.

Angelina Jolie took Hollywood by storm at the end of the 90s. It's impossible to imagine the 2000s without her movies: at that point, the actress was everywhere, and her name was all over the news.

For her pure acting genius and stunning appearance, Angelina received awards and nominations in dozens, and the world's biggest spotlights were all aimed at her.

Angelina has been a massive inspiration for women, too. Some were expecting a female lead with her appearance to star in romantic movies, and this would've been the easiest path to success for Jolie, but she chose otherwise.

The actress starred in action-packed movies and played roles that required much more effort and talent than if she were to just abuse her beauty in romcoms and whatnot.

After her 2010 movies Salt and The Tourist, Angelina the actress started fading away from the public view. If we were to ask you about a Jolie movie post-2000s, you'd struggle to name anything other than Maleficent.

Until lately, she was focused on many other things: she started directing movies, had to deal with the divorce process, kept raising her kids, all the while actively participating in charity…

So yes — Angelina Jolie was pretty busy last decade. But now, she's ready for a comeback.

Angelina Jolie will partner up with Halle Berry for the first time ever to star in Warner Bros.'s new action film, Maude v Maude.

Both actresses were already officially confirmed for the main roles, and while the production start date still remains unknown, both Jolie and Berry's fans are excited about the 2000s queens' return.

From what is known about Maude v Maude now, it's rumored to be something of a female version of Jolie and Pitt's legendary Mr. and Mrs. Smith that started their romance back in 2005.

The movie is set to be just as action-packed, and one of the industry's insiders described it as a "Bond vs. Bourne type of global action thriller."

Overall, while Maude v Maude doesn't sound exactly original, it seems to be the perfect type of movie for Angelina Jolie's triumphant comeback.

The actress has always been great at action, and she's largely loved for it — so now, we just have to wait and hope that Maude v Maude will mark the beginning of Jolie's new era of reign over Hollywood.

Source: Deadline