All X-Files Fans Say The Same Thing About Unwanted Reboot, And It's Not Pretty

All X-Files Fans Say The Same Thing About Unwanted Reboot, And It's Not Pretty
Image credit: Legion-Media

Does it even stand a chance with loyal fans?

With the recent boom of reboots and remakes, the show with an influence and a fanbase like X-Files didn't stand a chance of remaining untouched.

There is very little chance you'll meet an original X-Files fan who would be enthusiastic about this.

It is already common for fans to worry about their favorite story being ruined, but new details make the situation even worse.

It was announced that director Ryan Coogler would be the one to remount the series.

Coogler is known and recognized for his previous work on Black Panther and Creed, however, even such huge names can't convince the fanbase of his candidature.

With his intentions of remaking everything from the initial show, starting from the cast and up to the main conspiracy cases leads are going to work on, original X-Files viewers are scared of losing everything they care for.

Although Chris Carter, who spoke with Coogler himself explains the changes as the need to tweak the show for the current audiences, the audience is more likely to get pissed off by the changes rather than demand them.

"I don't know why execs think this is a good strategy. It's inevitably going to get compared to the source material and piss off loyal fans who are going to turn on the show and flood the internet with negative comments.

Just make a brand new freaking sci-fi show and move on from trying to reboot something," Redditor moonfox1000 said, summing up perfectly the emotions many other fans expressed while discussing this news.

As there is no certainty on reboot production or the release date of the reboot, you can enjoy the original series on Disney Plus and Hulu.