After All This Time, GoT Finale's Biggest Closure Remains Its Dumbest

After All This Time, GoT Finale's Biggest Closure Remains Its Dumbest
Image credit: Legion-Media

Who is actually worthy of the Iron Throne? Anyone but the person the show chose.

After the controversial eighth season, a real storm erupted among fans. Some were ready to accept Bran as king, but many viewers were not happy with that outcome, so they decided to consider who could take the place of the Three-Eyed Raven at the head of the Seven Kingdoms.

And fans are leaning toward the real Targaryen, who was once considered a Stark bastard.

Throughout the series, Jon Snow has proven himself to be a true leader. From his humble beginnings as a member of the Night's Watch to his heroic role in the Battle of Winterfell, Jon has consistently demonstrated his courage, honor, and selflessness.

He has shown an unwavering commitment to protecting the realm and its people, making him the ideal candidate to rule Westeros.

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Unlike some of the other characters, Snow has a strong moral compass that has guided his decisions and actions over the course of the series.

He is not motivated by power or personal gain, but by a genuine desire to do the right thing. Snow's willingness to put the greater good ahead of his own ambitions is a quality that would make him an exceptional ruler.

Jon's experiences with the Night's Watch and the Free Folk have given him a unique perspective on the challenges faced by people from all walks of life. This understanding would allow him to make decisions that would benefit all of Westeros, not just a chosen few.

Though many viewers remember that a king must be cunning, flexible, and selective rather than honest. Ned Stark died solely because he lacked these qualities, while the clever Tyrion, for example, managed to survive the Long Winter.

Fans note that Jon was the perfect candidate, but he was exiled for some reason. But even Gendry had more rights to the throne than Bran, and Stark could have been made Master of Whisperers by the new king.

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Some viewers believe that Lord Winterfell was a good candidate for ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, but the show's creators gave no decent reason why Bran should be in charge.

Stark can see the past and the future, consider the mistakes of previous leaders, and it makes no sense for him to become a dictator. Instead, the writers simply said that the Three-Eyed Raven had a great story, so he was the one to be king.

Source: Reddit