
8 TV Shows So Painful to Watch, You'd Rather Do Taxes Instead

8 TV Shows So Painful to Watch, You'd Rather Do Taxes Instead
Image credit: Netflix, ITV Productions, Noel Gay Television, United Artists Television, ABC Studios, CBS Television Distribution

Next time someone suggests watching any of these, maybe grab those tax forms instead.

At least they promise a predictable level of discomfort.

8. "The Royal Today"

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Have you heard of the British soap "The Royal"? Okay, probably not. But here's the cherry on top: "The Royal Today". Picture your run-of-the-mill hospital drama, strip away all charisma, and voila! There's nothing truly original, no trailblazing surgery techniques, no whirlwind love affairs. Well, there are affairs, but they lack... zest. If white walls and latex gloves are your thing, maybe give it a whirl. Otherwise? Pass.

7. "Iron Chef USA"

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So, you take the iconic "Iron Chef" format, mix in William Shatner, and expect a recipe for success, right? Wrong. The chefs, the challenges, the celebrity guests—it should've been delightful. Alas! The drama was overcooked, the humor underseasoned. If you enjoy cringing more than cooking, this might just whet your appetite. Bon appétit or something like that.

6. "The I-Land"

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A group of amnesiacs on a deserted island, sounds familiar? Think "Lost" but subtract the intrigue and multiply the confusion. Instead of getting answers, viewers often found themselves navigating a maze of plot holes. Mystical symbols, shadowy organizations, and some misplaced science fiction. Why are they there? What's the objective? Don't strain too much; it's likely the writers didn't know either.

5. "Heil Honey I'm Home!"

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Ever tried making a sitcom out of the life of Adolf Hitler? No? Good call. This short-lived show tried, and the outcome was as predictable as a cat trying to swim. Adolf and Eva live next door to a Jewish couple, and uh... "comedy" ensues? Dark humor's one thing; distasteful mockery, quite another. The show's as awkward as a turtle on roller skates. Remember, not all risks pay off.

4. "My Mother the Car"

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Brace yourself. A guy's mother reincarnates. Sweet, right? But here's the twist: she's now a car. Yep. A talking antique car. The rest of the series is a circus of this man trying to shield his 'mother' from becoming scrap metal. Sentimentality and exhaust pipes don't quite mix. It's like trying to toast bread with a hairdryer—pointless and bizarre.

3. "Cavemen"

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You know the insurance commercials with cavemen? Imagine extending that into a full-blown sitcom. These cavemen live in the modern world, fighting stereotypes while hunting... for dates. It tried to offer social commentary but mostly offered yawns and puzzled head tilts. If a commercial feels too long, stretching it to a series might not be the sharpest tool in the shed.

2. "The Bussey Bunch"

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Meet the Busseys: bounty hunters by day, a normal family by... also day. It's reality TV at perhaps its least gripping. No strategic genius, no cunning plans—just a lot of waiting and watching. The pacing's more sluggish than a snail racing a turtle. If you fancy seeing people hang around, chatting about catching fugitives (without much catching), then hop on board. Otherwise, catch another bus.

1. "Secret Talents of the Stars"

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Celebrities have hidden talents, and we're intrigued. But then you see them, say, rapping or juggling, and the intrigue dissipates faster than a drop of water in the Sahara. This short-lived reality show tried to be an eye-opener but felt more like an endless loop of failed auditions. The joy of discovery was there, sure, but the discoveries? More often misses than hits. If you relish second-hand embarrassment, here's your gold mine.