
8 Times Harry Potter’s Trelawney Consciously Predicted the Future, Ranked by Gravity

8 Times Harry Potter’s Trelawney Consciously Predicted the Future, Ranked by Gravity
Image credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Hermione may not have been a fan of Professor Trelawney’s work, but even she wouldn’t deny that the old hag was right about a few things throughout Harry Potter.

Here are the eight times Professor Trelawney showed us her true Seer nature.

8. Neville’s Teacup

Trelawney might’ve scared Neville to death, which is why he broke the teacup in the first place, or she might’ve accurately predicted the future. After all, she is a Seer. Either way, Neville ended up smashing a piece of the Professor’s fine china, just as she had told him moments earlier.

7. Hermione’s Exit

Trelawney once claimed that when Easter came, one student would “leave forever,” which sounds pretty grave. In reality, the only thing she foresaw was that Hermione would get tired of Divination and drop out of the class due to irreconcilable differences with the Professor (on the account of her being a complete fraud).

6. Lavender’s Rabbit

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Unlike Hermione, Lavender believed Professor Trelawney’s every word. It’s no surprise that she got scared when the great Seer told her that something she was “dreading” would “happen on Friday the sixteenth of October.” Around that time (give or take a few days), a fox killed Lavender’s pet rabbit, which she found out about on October 16.

5. Harry’s Inner Horcrux

Trelawney once attempted to guess the Chosen One’s birthday, but she got it wrong (or did she?). She was convinced that he was born “in midwinter,” adding that Harry’s “dark hair,” “mean stature,” and the tragedy he experienced when he was just a kid were clear signs. Although Harry is a Leo, born on July 31, Trelawney might’ve sensed a piece of Voldemort’s soul inside him – the description and the birthday certainly fit the Dark Lord’s story!

4. The Power of Love

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Harry Potter survived more attacks by one of the most powerful wizards in history than the entire magical world combined. The reason? Love! Trelawney predicted that the person who would bring about Voldemort’s destruction would have “a power the Dark Lord knows not.” Having been scarred by a love potion, Voldemort never understood the true love that saved Harry so many times (both Lily’s and Narcissa’s).

3. Lupin ’s Departure

Professor Lupin taught Defense Against the Dark Arts during Harry’s third year and like others before and after him, didn’t last more than a year. Trelawney saw that happening and said that Moony’s days were numbered. Whether she meant him quitting at the end of the year or dying in the final battle, she was spot on.

2. Dumbledore’s Death

Harry wasn’t the only one who Trelawney tortured with countless predictions of death. She kept getting visions of “the lightning-struck tower,” accompanied by “calamity” and “disaster” that were approaching. Turns out, the Professor foresaw the events at the end of that same year, specifically Dumbledore getting Avada Kedavra-ed at the top of the Astronomy Tower, triggering a whole chain of events.

1. 13 at the Dinner Table

If there were ever 13 people sitting at a dinner table at the same time, the first one to get up would be the first one to die – at least, that’s what Trelawney believed. That weird superstition turned out to be true… three times. The Hogwarts Christmas dinner was the first, and Dumbledore stood up to greet the Seer herself. Then there was a meeting at Grimmauld Place where Sirius rose first. Finally, after the Order mourned the death of Mad-Eye, Remus was the first to get up. Thus, the prediction claimed three people.

The Professor of Divination may have been a cook, but her prophecy game was strong…