
7 Harry Potter Characters Whose Names Gave Away the Plot, Ranked

7 Harry Potter Characters Whose Names Gave Away the Plot, Ranked
Image credit: Warner Bros.

Harry Potter is full of characters with speaking names, but some of them are just walking and talking spoilers.

Here are seven times J.K. Rowling named the character so perfectly we almost guessed a major plot twist around them.

7. Dolores Umbridge

“Dolores” comes from the Latin word meaning “sorrow” (something that this horrible woman definitely inflicted on the wizarding community in her time), and her last name translates to “offense” as it is a play on the expression “to take umbrage.” Very fitting, isn’t it?

6. Sybill Trelawney

The seer’s first name is a reference to the oracles in Ancient Greece, who were called “sybils” (we should’ve really guessed that she wasn’t just a fraud). “Trelawney,” in turn, is an old Cornish surname, which alludes to her impressive ancestry.

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5. Nagini

Voldemort’s most trusted ally and confidant was given a Sanskrit name, which translates to “a being taking the form of a great snake.” Nagini was never meant to be ordinary, her Horcrux nature was right there in the name!

4. Cornelius Fudge

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While the Minister of Magic’s first name is fairly common, his last name has been a hint about his actions (or lack thereof) in a moment of crisis all along. “To fudge” means “to handle something in a vague, noncommittal, or inadequate way”... and that is exactly what he did when Voldemort came back the second time!

3. Rita Skeeter

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The untrustworthy journalist’s last name says it all – “Skeeter” is a slang word for a mosquito, and there is a disease called the Skeeter syndrome, which causes allergic reactions to mosquito bites. Rita’s Animagus form is literally an insect, and we should’ve known.

2. Sirius Black

Harry’s godfather is named after the Dog Star. Need we say more? Sirius’ name spoiled his Animagus form from the start! Plus, he transformed into a black dog, so… This was just a little too on the nose, don’t you think?

Did you notice this when reading the books for the first time?

1. Remus Lupin

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Remus’s parents never even gave him a chance not to be turned into a werewolf. “Remus” is a reference to his namesake from Roman mythology, who was raised by a she-wolf. “Lupin” comes from the Latin word “lupinus,” which means “of a wolf.” The poor kid’s destiny was determined at birth!

Do any other Harry Potter characters come to mind?