5 Young Sheldon Scenes That Were Way Too Sad for a Sitcom

5 Young Sheldon Scenes That Were Way Too Sad for a Sitcom
Image credit: CBS

Young Sheldon may be a lighthearted show, but some scenes are drama-worthy.

When you watch Young Sheldon, tears are the last thing you expect, but sometimes they are unavoidable.

Here are five of those times.

5. Mary Getting Fired from Church

In season 5, Mary gets fired from the church, following Mandy's pregnancy news. She and George have a huge fight, and Mary ends up crying alone in the kitchen until Missy comes in and hugs her in an attempt to comfort her. Mary is not the most likable character on the show, but that moment has made everyone feel sorry for her.

4. George Yelling at Sheldon

In one of the earlier seasons, there is a storyline where Sheldon is the only one who hears a weird noise coming from the refrigerator. He bugs everyone about it and decides to take it apart to investigate the issue. When George sees the chaos left behind, he goes off on Sheldon so hard that the latter starts crying, which leads to Missy comforting him (she's definitely the hugger of the family). It's a bittersweet moment that reminds the viewers that Sheldon may be smart, but he is still just a kid.

3. Missy Returning the Walkie-Talkie

Missy's rebellious phase has caused a lot of heartache to a lot of people so far. However, the scene where Sheldon finds Missy's walkie-talkie is downright devastating. He wants to talk to her on a walkie-talkie like they have done for years, Missy ignores Sheldon at first, but then knocks on his door, giving him hope that she's changed her mind, only for the audience to see Sheldon's smile fade when he opens the door to learn that Missy has returned her device.

2. Sheldon Hearing the Winners Announced

Remember the episode where Sheldon invites practically everyone he knows to come over early in the morning to listen to the Novel Prize Winner announcements together, and no one shows up? Sheldon is annoying, but that is the moment everyone has felt for him. The episode ties in nicely to The Big Bang Theory finale scene where Sheldon and Amy receive their Nobel Prize, and we get to see the younger versions of the gang.

1. The Future Breakup of Georgie and Mandy

We know that it hasn't happened yet, but we are sure that this scene will break our hearts into a million pieces. Everyone loves this couple, but The Big Bang Theory's canon clearly states that Georgie has been married more than once, so his relationship with Mandy is not meant to last. Too bad because they are the sweetest!

OK, the scene where George dies will probably be the saddest in Young Sheldon, but we are hoping that it doesn't happen.

Have you cried during any of those?