5 Times The Office Broke Every Imaginable Corporate Ethics Rule

5 Times The Office Broke Every Imaginable Corporate Ethics Rule
Image credit: NBC

As Dwight Schrute once said: 'You better learn your rules. If you don't you'll be eaten in your sleep! Rawr!'

But little did he know that he would be the one to be under his own threat.

Here is our list of five times when The Office couldn't care less about broken rules (and neither could we).

1. No Intimacy Policy

Not having intimate relationships is a strict rule in any office and Dunder Mifflin isn't an exception, but this is where it was violently broken more than just a few times.

Angela and Dwight did it so many times that we are not even sure that such numbers exist. It was also hinted that Pam and Jim once had their moment too, and even Michael Scott, a boss himself, screwed the rules…and Holly…and Jan.

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2. No Alcohol At The Parties

The rule, set by the corporate, was only violated twice, but it was enough to get on our list.

We actually loved the episodes with alcoholic beverages as we could see another side of the characters, like Erin, or Meredith…

3. No Weapons

And guess who couldn't follow this rule too…Whether the hunting roots or high survival instincts took precedence over common sense but Dwight Schrute did it again.

It cost him not so much: just Andy's hearing and a place of a regional manager.

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4. Long Lunches

Who wouldn't like to take a fair share of long lunches when it is the only thing that can make you happy during a workday? Most of Dunder Mifflin's employees are guilty of doing it.

Remember that time when Jim went to Hooters with Michael? Or when he, Pam, and his brothers met for lunch in New York?

Or that time with Stanley and Phyllis? So, all in all, Jim is the one who is guilty the most.

5. 'That's What She Said' Jokes

We know that this kind of joke might be inappropriate and even insulting, but c'mon. It's one of the best parts of the entire show.

They are usually little, but so good. Aaand that's what she said.