
5 Reasons Why Dumbledore is the Worst Hogwarts Headmaster

5 Reasons Why Dumbledore is the Worst Hogwarts Headmaster
Image credit: Legion-Media

Alright, let's talk about Dumbledore. This guy is supposed to be the wise and powerful wizard, but let me tell you, he's got some serious issues.

Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the Harry Potter series, has many problematic and unacceptable actions and behaviors that cannot be overlooked or excused. To put this delicately: Dumbledore may be a wise wizard, but he's got more flaws than a Hogwarts student's failed potions exam.

Let's take a look at these issues and examine why Dumbledore is not the hero he is often portrayed to be.

First off, the Dursleys. Everyone hates the Dursleys for how they treat Harry, but Dumbledore is even worse. He leaves Harry with those horrible people knowing full well how abusive and neglectful they are, and does nothing to intervene or protect Harry. What a jerk.

Then there's Professor Snape. I get it, Dumbledore trusts Snape as his double agent, but that doesn't excuse the way he treats his students. Dumbledore seems to just ignore Snape's cruel and abusive behavior, and does nothing to stop him. That's just not cool.

Next up, favoritism. Dumbledore is all about the favorites. He clearly has some students and staff that he likes more than others, and doesn't give a rat's tail about the rest. Moreover, he pays no regard to his staff showing favoritism as well. This creates a really toxic and unfair environment at Hogwarts. And let's be real, it isn't ethical for the heads of houses to hand out points if they're going to abuse it. That's messed up. Yes, I'm looking at you, Snape.

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And let's not forget how Dumbledore manipulates Harry from the beginning. He sets up all these schemes and manipulates events to use Harry as a pawn in his plan to defeat Voldemort. That's just not cool, man. You can't just use people like that.

And finally, we're supposed to forgive Dumbledore and love him? Despite all his flaws and shortcomings, he's still supposed to be this hero and mentor. But come on, his actions are just not okay. We shouldn't be expected to forgive him or love him.

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He's a flawed character and that's okay, but let's not pretend like he's some kind of hero.