5 Quirks That We Can't Help But Love In Michael Scott

5 Quirks That We Can't Help But Love In Michael Scott
Image credit: NBC

For better or for worse Michael Scott is one of those guys who wears his heart on his sleeve, and we simply can't resist being in love with him.

Here are five quirks that make us fall for The Office 's best boss (sorry, the world's best boss) more and more every day... even though they are a tad cringeworthy at times.

1.Innocent Child

Tell whatever you want about this man but, damn, he is so real. It seems like no evil has ever touched his soul.

It's like seeing a little child in a grown man's body still learning about the people and things around him, and trying to appreciate life and make the most out of it.

2. Caring Man

Do you remember the episode where Pam had her first art show and no one came to support her? Well, almost no one.

At the last minute before closing, Michael appears, tells Pam how proud he is of her, and buys one of her art to display in the office. Admit it, you cried your heart out too.

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3. Silly Guy

Yes, Michael's jokes are specific, and not all of us can understand them, but at least he tries his best to make us laugh.

His immaturity may get on the nerves, but have you ever seen his co—workers getting away from him? They always end up participating in his jokes or getting a little smirk.

There is no way out, you are always doomed to join in any Michael's silliness.

4. His Value Of Friendship

Michael has proved so many times that people he works with go beyond the definition of "co—workers", they even go beyond the word "friends".

These people have always been more for him, he even referred to them as his children in some of the episodes.

As we witness him valuing and protecting his Dunder Mifflin kids, it makes us realize that he became one hell of a great dad to his and Holly's children.

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5. A Loyal Partner

And it's not just about his true love and faithfulness for Holly that he carried through the last seasons to fight for her and win her back.

It's also about his unconditional devotion to his one and only Dunder Mifflin.

Do you remember when Michael didn't agree to lie for his then—girlfriend Jan (well, for her we wouldn't too) to help her win money from the company?

We love a man who always stays true to himself.