
5 Movie Tropes That Simply Don't Work Anymore

5 Movie Tropes That Simply Don't Work Anymore
Image credit: Legion-Media

Let's put these tropes under the white bedsheets with a dead protagonist's wife and bury them forever.

These movie tropes have become overused and worn out over time. People are getting tired of seeing the same clichés and narrative devices repeated in film after film and demanding screenwriters to immediately stop it.

Here are 5 of the most annoying tropes we are sick of seeing.

5. Ripping Off IV

Painful to watch for two reasons.

Number one, how the hell do you literally pull a long damn needle right out of your vein and just casually walk out of the room? Weren't you dying or something?

Number two: scenes like these really make us crinkle our noses, because again — how the hell do you rip off an IV without fear of rupturing your vein?

4. In English Please

We can literally hear this phrase every time a character explains something at a primer school level, but the opponent still doesn't get it and asks to explain it in a much easier way.

Like, should they draw for you or something?

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3. Conversation Is A Key To Success

Have you ever caught yourself thinking "Why don't these characters just talk?"

When there is a minor inconvenience or understatement between them and instead of explaining everything in a few sentences and ending a misunderstanding, the characters would spend half of the movie avoiding each other suffering from the "betrayal."

Open your mouth and produce the words, isn't it that simple?

2. The Morning Before School

Don't you hate it when the kids wake up early in the morning for school and it's already bright outside like it's not even 7 in the morning?

And then they are ready in 5 minutes, coming downstairs all dressed up and not even mad about getting up so early.

And what is even more ridiculous is the fact that a dining table is always set with different kinds of breakfast as if mom never went to bed and turned the fridge inside out so her kids could never eat what she made because they are running late.

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1. Stabbed And Running Fast

The problem with every scary movie. When the characters get stabbed or shot or injured somehow and you see them writhing in pain and it makes you think that this is it, or at least you think it would be it for you in real life.

But then the same characters get up and walk like nothing hurts anymore.

In Scream 6, the end of the movie was kind of blurred for us when Chad survived over 20 knife stabs and wasn't even unconscious and then Mindy hopped in the ambulance with her brother like the knife wasn't twisting in her stomach a few minutes ago.