
5 Cringiest Scenes That Prove David Yates Ruined Harry Potter

5 Cringiest Scenes That Prove David Yates Ruined Harry Potter
Image credit: Legion-Media

Although the franchise has captured the hearts of millions of viewers, but there are still some awkward scenes that make the audiences feel uncomfortable.

Not every scene in the series is a winner. Some Harry Potter situations are so cringe-worthy that fans can't help but squirm when they see them.

And David Yates, for some reason, has increased the number of these moments. Here's a list of the weirdest episodes of the popular movies.

5. Lily and Snape in Deathly Hallows Part 2

Yes, we suppose it was a dramatic moment, but really? While the moment is meant to be a poignant reminder of his deep love for Harry Potter's mother, it ends up feeling overly melodramatic and clumsy.

The scene sent many fans into a WTF mode, and we couldn't agree more.

4. When Voldemort Almost Kissed Harry

Deathly Hallows Part 2 again and the same question to David Yates from fans. Harry and Voldemort falling from the tower... together.

While this moment was meant to be an epic showdown between the two archenemies, it ended up feeling like a bizarre romantic episode, with the two characters holding each other as they fell to their deaths.

3. Slughorn's Party in The Half-Blood Prince

One of the most cringeworthy scenes in the franchise is when Harry dramatically stands up as Ginny enters the Slug Club.

The awkwardness of the moment is only heightened by the fact that the Chosen One has been pining for the redhead for years, though they barely interact in the movies.

2. Naked Hermione and Harry

You remember that creepy vision accompanied by Nick Cave. While it was meant to be a hallucination, it ends up feeling gratuitous and uncomfortable, with the two characters sharing a passionate embrace that feels out of place in the context of the story.

David Yates, what have you done with our beloved characters?

1. Literally Every Half-Blood Prince Ginny Scene

The infamous shoe-tying scene with Ginny. Harry and Weasley's sister are sitting on the steps of the Burrow, and she is tying the Chosen One's shoe.

This moment may have been intended to show the growing romantic tension between the two characters, but it ended up feeling forced.

According to the fans, this is the worst Harry Potter scene in the entire universe. And here's Mr. Yates again.

Who said that Harry Potter needed a 50 Shades of Grey vibe?

Source: Reddit