
4 Times When Lord of The Rings Movies Outdid Tolkien Books

4 Times When Lord of The Rings Movies Outdid Tolkien Books
Image credit: globallookpress

Tolkien's books are undeniably classics, but there are moments in Peter Jackson's films that, according to fans, actually surpass the great original source.

Although everyone is well aware of how demanding Tolkien fans are, but even they appreciated Peter Jackson's adaptation. Some also believe that the director did a better job of revealing some scenes and characters than in it was in the book.

Arwen's character arc

Not many people know that Arwen's presence in the books was extremely limited. From the original source, the reader learns almost nothing about Aragorn's beloved, while in the movies she plays a rather important role.

The fact that it is she who saves the hobbits makes us understand that Arwen is not just a capricious high-born half-elven.

There is also much more emphasis on the anguish of Arwen's choice – to go across the sea to the Undying Lands of the Valar, or to stay in Middle-earth, renouncing immortality and living a mortal life with Aragorn.

Fans agree that the development of the female character enriched the story as a whole.

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Boromir's heroic death

Boromir is a beloved character for many because of his self-sacrifice and heroism. But this might not have been the case if the movie had strictly followed the plot of the book.

In Tolkien's original source, Boromir's death is "offstage." Fans almost unanimously agree that Boromir's death scene in the movie brings out the character much better, and the line "my brother, my captain, my King" can make even the most callous viewer shed a tear.

Faramir's temptation

Boromir's brother Faramir, according to fans, also received not only a more complex character development, but also a darker one. Faramir is one of the few who resists the temptation of the ring in the original source.

According to fans, this decision to change the plot slightly not only makes Faramir a more memorable character, but also alludes to the death of his brother, who also succumbed to temptation.

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The Eye of Sauron

Most who haven't read the books are unaware that the Eye became Sauron's literal incarnation only in the movie. In the original source, Sauron is referred to as the Eye only in those cases when people are afraid to say his real name.

The Eye was more of a metaphor for the power of darkness. Peter Jackson decided to take this image literally and created a giant fiery eye in his movies.