
4 Movies That Threw Everyone Off With Their Jaw-Dropping Open Finale

4 Movies That Threw Everyone Off With Their Jaw-Dropping Open Finale
Image credit: Legion-Media

These movies will make you question everything you saw on the screen.

The open ending leaves us with a bunch of questions that we can use to build theories forever.

In addition, these open-ended movies usually hint at a sequel that will come out sooner or later and answer all the questions we had while watching the open-ended movie.

However, there are movies with open endings that do not need a sequel.

Warning, the following articles contains spoilers!

Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance), 2014

The Oscar-winning Birdman fooled audiences until the very end without answering the question of whether the image of the birdman chasing the main character was real.

At first, it seems that Birdman is just an illusion that symbolizes his subconscious.

At the end, however, when the character jumps out of the window, having received the long-awaited recognition, it becomes clear that he has most likely died.

At the same time, the daughter looks up at the sky, suggesting that he flew to heaven like a bird. Viewers have at least two hypotheses to explain the end of the movie.

The director did not confirm any of them. According to the first, everything that happened was an illusion, the second claims that the daughter simply saw her father as he saw himself, a free superhero.

Annihilation, 2018

The action of Annihilation takes place in the near future, when a meteorite falls on Earth, creating a special field around itself that refracts everything that falls beyond its borders, including the human genetic code.

In the end, the main character fights and defeats her own clone.

However, the anomalous zone still has an effect on her, as evidenced by the flickering in her eyes. For many, this fact has become further proof that a clone has returned and not the original version.

But the director further focuses on a glass of water.

The main character husband's water is stained with blood after one sip, while her own water remains crystal clear. What exactly this refers to is left to the viewer.

Enemy, 2013

Before he became the director of big-budget fantasy blockbusters, Denis Villeneuve made curious auteur movies.

The best example of this is Enemy, where psychological thriller collides with fantasy and ends with a terrifying shot that topples a game board.

The viewers are still arguing about what the finale really meant.

Some believe that the final transformation of the protagonist's wife is the embodiment of the feminine and that it lures him into a web of unfreedom.

The Babadook, 2014

Blaming what happens on the screen on the sick imagination of the character is a technique that is not well received even by fans of low-budget horror films.

And the first minutes of watching the Australian horror The Babadook suggest sad thoughts, but the finale surprises.

It seems that the monster is a figment of the boy's and mother's imagination, but who is locked up in the cellar and whom are they feeding, then?