3 Saddest Scrubs Episodes Guaranteed to Leave You Sobbing, Ranked

3 Saddest Scrubs Episodes Guaranteed to Leave You Sobbing, Ranked
Image credit: ABC Studios

The legendary comedy had many heartbreaking episodes that left fans devastated. Scrubs knew how to create an ineffable lightness that was shattered overnight by the hard truths of life. The show

The legendary comedy had many heartbreaking episodes that left fans devastated.

Scrubs knew how to create an ineffable lightness that was shattered overnight by the hard truths of life. The show was filled with jokes and hilarious characters as well as unforgettable tragic moments.

3. My Old Lady (1x4)

Statistically, one out of every three patients dies in a hospital, excluding the emergency room with its broken bones and the maternity ward.

The story follows three patients who are admitted to the clinic, leaving the audience to guess who will die at the end. Sometimes, in order not to spoil the comedic narrative, the show even hints that everyone might live.

But from the very first season, Scrubs didn't want to be predictable with its viewers and showed that the series' creators also had a penchant for unbelievable drama.

The characters fail to save the patients, and all three pass away. The episode depicts the most common death in the hospital, when the doctors did everything they could, but still lost.

2. My Screwup (3x14)

The third and final episode about Ben, the brother of Dr. Cox's wife. The kind and easy-going guy has always managed to be optimistic and upbeat despite his family, but he is diagnosed with an incurable disease.

Dr. Cox tries to save his best friend and then comes to terms with his loss.

For a long time, J.D.'s boss has been portrayed as almost superhuman and the perfect doctor.

Cox can always keep his emotions in check for the sake of the patient, always knows the diagnosis, always gives advice when it's really needed. But in this episode, J.D. puts a hand on his superior's shoulder to help him through his grief.

1. My Lunch (5x20)

Once again, this episode is about how doctors can't always save a life, even when they use all of their knowledge and power.

Throughout the series, Dr. Cox never makes a mistake, even though he teaches J.D. that every doctor is bound to fail sooner or later. Cox is the rare exception that proves the rule.

The story revolves around three patients who return to the clinic. Two of them are nearly dead, so the doctors take a justifiable risk to save them with dangerous methods. But one patient, befriended by J.D.'s charismatic boss, could wait a month for a kidney transplant. But it was Cox's haste that led to his death.

The incredibly sad music and the collapse of Scrubs' strongest character will leave no one indifferent.

Source: Reddit