20 Best War Series of All Time Every True Fan Should See

20 Best War Series of All Time Every True Fan Should See
Image credit: Hulu, Netflix

War drama is one of Hollywood's most popular genres, with countless new films detailing the heroism of soldiers premiering every year, winning awards and earning respectable box office numbers. But while war movies continue to receive critical and popular acclaim, the same can't be said for war shows, only a few of which have managed to break into the mainstream.

Perhaps the subject of war is simply not suited to the television format, but this notion is disproved by the sheer number of great series that have been released over the last fifty years or so, many of which can easily rival even the biggest Hollywood dramas.

Here are the 20 best war series of all time that every true fan should watch:

As you've probably noticed, we didn't limit ourselves to shows set during specific wars when compiling this list, highlighting projects that focus on ancient history, modern conflicts, and the usual WWI and WWII.

War is one of the worst things that can happen to a country and its people, so you won't find any shows on this list that glorify this horrible process, as we are certain that truly great war dramas should speak out against bloodshed, not promote it.

If you have always wanted to spend more time with your favorite war dramas, now is your chance to do so by binging on the above mentioned shows!