
10 Years Later, Let's Revisit 3 Most Underrated Iron Man 3 Moments

10 Years Later, Let's Revisit 3 Most Underrated Iron Man 3 Moments
Image credit: Legion-Media

Feel old yet? Iron Man 3 came out 10 years ago! Back then, it didn't get as much love as the previous two installments, but we are here to give it all the credit it deserves!

Iron Man 3 was released in 2013 as the first movie of Marvel's Phase Two (to put it in perspective, currently, we are in Phase Five).

This time around, Tony's adventures got noticeably darker, and many weren't ready for that.

Still, let's go on a nostalgia ride together, and we'll tell you three simple reasons why Iron Man 3 rocks.

1. Ho Yinsen's 1999 Flashback Cameo

The whole flashback sequence is excellent on its own since we get a sneak peek at Tony Stark's jerk-ish personality (you know, before the events of the first Iron Man movie), but what truly makes it worth your while is a fun cameo from Ho Yinsen himself.

If you don't remember who that is, Ho, played by Shaun Toub, is the reason Stark is alive at all (twice).

He is the one who sacrifices himself to buy Tony the time to power up the suit to escape from the terrorists in the first movie. In 1999, however, the future Iron Man just brushes him off.

2. Tony Stark's Debilitating PTSD

How often do you see superheroes acting like normal people and suffering from panic attacks? We bet you can't even name three such movies off the top of your head.

Iron Man 3 is one of the most realistic films in this regard, as we see Tony struggling after the events of The Avengers.

Robert Downey Jr. has done a great job of portraying his character's panic attacks, anxiety, and PTSD.

It all actually looks believable, and you can definitely relate to Tony's hardships (even if you haven't been in a wormhole full of hostile aliens).

3. Suitless But Powerful Iron Man

The two previous Iron Man movies, as well as The Avengers, poke fun at Tony for not being a real superhero because he only has powers when he is wearing his suit.

Even Cap fires up at one point and blurts out the now-famous line, "Big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?"

The third installment answers that question perfectly – Tony spends most of the movie without his suit (or with a malfunctioning one) and makes do with only his wits, proving that suit or no suit, he is still the one and only Iron Man.

Fancy a rewatch now? We certainly do! Be right back, just getting our popcorn…