
10 Great Time Travel Movies of the 80s That Aren't Back to the Future

10 Great Time Travel Movies of the 80s That Aren't Back to the Future
Image credit: Legion-Media, Orion Pictures

The idea of traveling backwards or forwards in time, defying the laws of physics and common sense, has been obsessed with for centuries, with writers and even scientists exploring the subject and trying to come up with a realistic explanation for time travel.

Moreover, the idea became even more popular with the invention of cinema, as seeing a character travel back in time with your own eyes is much more stimulating than reading about it in a book. Time travel stories have been a staple of sci-fi movies ever since, and the ones released about 40 years ago proved to be the best of the bunch.

Here are 10 great time travel movies from the 80s:

The fact that we have excluded Back to the Future from this list does not mean that we hate it. On the contrary, we and millions of other people love this story to death, which makes it a landmark among sci-fi movies and unfortunately puts it in an non recommendable category. After all, why recommend something if everyone has already seen it?

Fortunately, there are countless other great time travel movies from the 1980s, as this list certainly proves. While none of them reach the heights of "Back to the Future," they are all capable of entertaining you and providing their viewers with unique and compelling time travel narratives.