10 General Hospital Parents So Bad, You Wouldn't Wish Them Upon Anyone In Real Life

10 General Hospital Parents So Bad, You Wouldn't Wish Them Upon Anyone In Real Life
Image credit: ABC

The soap must be soaping, but leave these poor kids alone!

Just like any other TV series, the main purpose of the soap is to be entertaining. From newfound adult twins to illegitimate children to people coming back from the dead here and there, you don't really expect soap to be realistic in any way. And in no world is soap the place to go for real-life advice.

The more drama there is, the better for the plot. And that goes for all storylines involving children. That's why it's almost impossible to find a single good parent on General Hospital, but so easy to compile a list of the worst.

Here are the top 10 that you wouldn't want anywhere near a child in real life.

Liz Webber's parents

What parent would ever leave their child in a situation as traumatic as rape? Well, apparently Liz's parents didn't think she was traumatized enough and continued to make her life even worse by avoiding her.

Fortunately, she recently had the opportunity to tell them exactly how she felt but had to wait years to do so. Justice is never swift, it seems.

Nikolas Cassadine

Having your son think you are dead is traumatic enough once, but twice? That is beyond the pale. Many viewers believe that Nikolas is completely irredeemable at this point, as he seems to have no regard for those close to him.

Willingly abandoning the new baby he has with his son's ex-girlfriend is just the cherry on top of this pile of parental crimes.

Laura Spencer

When talking about Nikolas, it's hard not to mention his mother, Laura Spencer. Just like her husband Luke, she wasn't the greatest parent and didn't set the best example for any of her children, Lulu, Lucky, or even Nikolas. Then again, it's hard to set any kind of example when you leave your child as a baby.

It just goes to show how much our own childhood issues can affect our children's lives if they aren't dealt with in time.

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Portia Robinson

Although this opinion is highly controversial, considering the way things have been going in Port Charles lately, Portia deserves to be in this rank.

Once a balanced, interesting, and caring character who took pride in raising her daughter and wanted to protect her at all costs, Portia has crossed all lines and become invasive and borderline manipulative. No parent should be so involved in their adult children's love lives, and when they are, it is cause for concern.

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Helena Cassadine

Despite being an iconic villain created by Elizabeth Taylor, you have to admit that Helena was a terrible mother. She never really loved either of her children, too self-absorbed and preoccupied with her plans to take over the world. She was as frightening to them as she was to everyone else, and there is no doubt why Valentine turned out the way he did.

Lucky Spencer

This is more of a plea to the writers of General Hospital than to the character himself, but can we all agree that Lucky needs to be recast? Please?

Even those of us who have given up on the idea of Liz and Lucky being the endgame would still like to see him around and have at least some presence in his child's life. At this point, Lucky may be the most absent parent on the show.

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Frisco Jones

Yet another character who has been completely abandoned and forgotten by the writers ends up looking like a bad and absent parent.

It's not that hard to mention him here and there and at least make it seem like he cares about Maxie and Georgie. However, the writing department of General Hospital either has a serious grudge against him or just wants to turn a blind eye. Either way, not the best choice.

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Felicia Cummings

Unfortunately for poor Maxie and Georgie, their battle with their parents did not end with Frisco. Their mother, Felicia, wasn't really present for their entire childhood either, as she was tending to an ailing aunt in Texas.

While she seems to be genuinely trying to make up for her mistakes and become a more attentive and present mother, Maxie has every right to call her out.

Carly Corinthos

Okay, before anyone jumps to conclusions, this is not an outright hatred of Carly. We can appreciate the fact that she is at least the present parent and stays consistently in her children's lives. However, she has made some bad decisions, including thinking it was a good idea to let her kids hang out with criminals and mobsters.

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Sonny Corinthos

You cannot imagine a parent shooting their child. And while you could say that Sonny would never do it knowing that Dante was his son, we will never know.

Besides, his Mafia lifestyle has affected his other children tremendously. From being kidnapped to being shot, they were never really able to escape their father's crimes and reputation. And there were too many times when he failed to protect them.

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