10 Doctor Who Characters Who Would’ve Made Great Companions

10 Doctor Who Characters Who Would’ve Made Great Companions
Image credit: BBC

The Doctor only invites the best to travel with them – unfortunately, not all of the best got the chance to come to the TARDIS.

Here are ten characters who should’ve been long-term companions.

10. Craig Owens

Craig may have only appeared in two episodes with the Eleventh Doctor, but he was such a sweetheart. Impeccable sense of humor, great character development, smart decisions all round – what more could you ask for in a companion?

9. Frank

Andrew Garfield’s Frank won the hearts of many fans during the Doctor and Martha’s adventure with the Daleks. He was intelligent (even by the Dalek standards) and brave (he came through for the Doctor). Frank would’ve been an interesting companion, given that he was not from the 21st century as they usually are.

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8. Lynda Moss

Lynda with a “Y” was sweet and a bit naive, and she came so close to traveling with the Doctor (much to Rose’s chagrin). Unfortunately, fate had other plans, and Lynda died tragically at the hands of the Daleks. Too bad, a companion from the future might’ve shaken things up!

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7. Timothy Latimer

Tim was the telepathic kid from the Family of Blood story arc, and he helped the Doctor quite a bit. Viewers were immediately enamored with the mysterious 20th-century boy who could read minds, and it’s a real shame that Tim didn’t get to travel with the Doctor.

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6. Jack Harkness

OK, so Jack was technically the Doctor’s companion for a few episodes, but don’t you wish he’d stayed longer? Jack was a time agent from the future who became immortal – that would give the show a fresh perspective. Besides, he was a sight for sore eyes!

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5. Jenny

Jenny was the Doctor’s daughter who sailed off on her solo adventures, and fans just keep hoping that she’ll turn up again eventually. Having Jenny aboard the TARDIS would create a new dynamic or bring back the old one that the Doctor had with his granddaughter Susan. Either way, not making Jenny a companion was a totally missed opportunity.

Do you think Jenny will be back?

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4. Sally Sparrow

Sally was the girl from the first Weeping Angels episode, and she is everyone’s favorite. Clever, quirky, and artsy Sally would be the perfect addition to the TARDIS team that we were robbed of.

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3. Inston-Vee Vinder

Vinder, a pilot from the future, popped up a few times during the Thirteenth Doctor’s time. He was resourceful and witty, which are exactly the traits every companion needs. There’s still hope for Vinder to come back, and we really hope he does.

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2. Petronella Osgood

Human or Zygon, Osgood was the ultimate fangirl, and that’s why so many resonated with her. Human Osgood never got the invite from the Doctor, only Zygon Osgood did. Still, they were both amazing, and we need more!

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1. Psi

Psi, the augmented human and bank robber, only appeared once, but it was enough to steal the fans’ hearts. Time Heist was a memorable episode, and Psi’s storyline was one of the most fascinating ones. He would’ve made a wonderful companion!

Who else would you have liked to see in the TARDIS with the Doctor?

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