10 Animated Fantasy Shows on Netflix with 100% Rotten Tomatoes Score

10 Animated Fantasy Shows on Netflix with 100% Rotten Tomatoes Score
Image credit: Netflix

The fantasy genre thrives in the animated medium. It's impossible to showcase magic in live-action in the same exaggeratedly excessive way it can be done in animation.

So if you want to get a dose of fantasy, go watch these animated shows on Netflix: you won't regret it.

Animation works so well for the fantasy setting because of how it works and how much freedom there is.

The animators can easily play with the shape and form of characters themselves, not being confined by a pretty limited range of physical differences in real human bodies, and they can convey their strength and personal traits simply by creating a certain silhouette.

In live-action, it would require a lot of green screen footage, and even the modern advancements in CGI require the VFX artists to spend lots and lots of hours to make the magic look believable on screen. With the animation, the world depicted in the show is not tethered to our reality by actual humans acting in it and thus the believability has broader margins.

You can go ham in animation, you can explore things that cannot be done in live-action. And you can see Pokemon chilling peacefully, too!