Ron Weasley's Macabre Joke Actually Predicted a Murder in Harry Potter
Ron Weasley's Macabre Joke Actually Predicted a Murder in Harry Potter
Who knew Ron Weasley was secretly a fortune teller in disguise? The bumbling Gryffindor may have seemed like a jokester, but it turns out his comedic quips were actually spot-on predictions.  
10 Years Later, Daniel Radcliffe Still Making Millions Off Harry Potter
10 Years Later, Daniel Radcliffe Still Making Millions Off Harry Potter
The Harry Potter franchise has brought Daniel Radcliffe some $100 million and landed him not only among the highest-grossing child actors but also among the most popular international movie stars. The last installment of the saga was released a decade ago but Radcliffe still makes money off the franchise.
Will Ben Affleck Become Latest Actor to Jump Ship from DC to Marvel?
Will Ben Affleck Become Latest Actor to Jump Ship from DC to Marvel?
It is not official, but Ben Affleck who played Daredevil and Batman may soon inhabit the character of Dario Agger in an upcoming Marvel project. 
The 5 Most Insane Things Christopher Nolan Has Done On Set
The 5 Most Insane Things Christopher Nolan Has Done On Set
In the era of CGI on the big screen it is really hard to keep using old school methods to make movies which impress. Cinema goers are picky people and such filmmakers as James Cameron or David Fincher who rely heavily on computer generated imagery have spoilt the viewers. 
Frank Grillo's Biggest Regret? Turning Down a Chance to Come Back in Endgame
Frank Grillo's Biggest Regret? Turning Down a Chance to Come Back in Endgame
Frank Grillo who inhabited Bruck Rumlow, which later became Marvel's villain Crossbones has said that he had initially turned down an offer to star in Avengers: Endgame. He even called himself an "a**hole" for refusing to reprise the role.
Die Hard's Most Iconic Line Gets a Philly Twist
Die Hard's Most Iconic Line Gets a Philly Twist
Holiday season is upon us, which means the yearly debate of whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie is back in full swing.
4 Fan Theories That Will Make You See Harry Potter in a Whole New Way
4 Fan Theories That Will Make You See Harry Potter in a Whole New Way
Are you ready to have your mind blown, Harry Potter fans?
He Played Chunk On Goonies; See Jeff Cohen Now At 48
He Played Chunk On Goonies; See Jeff Cohen Now At 48
Everyone loves the Goonies. The 1985 cult classic still hasn't been topped, and it has become a movie everyone goes back to from time to time. The film has become something of a time capsule, capturing the childhood of many as it was back then.
Who Did the Worst Acting in the Harry Potter Movies?
Who Did the Worst Acting in the Harry Potter Movies?
A decade after the Harry Potter series ended, discussions about it are still going strong. One of the most popular topics of heated debate is the question of which actors in the entire Harry Potter movie franchise gave the worst interpretation of the character from the books in the movies. 
Quentin Tarantino Ripped Into the MCU And Kind of Had a Point
Quentin Tarantino Ripped Into the MCU And Kind of Had a Point
This standoff does not seem to be ending anytime soon.