Aaren Gimenez

As a 90s kid, I got some strong (and rather conflicting) opinions about 'Star Wars', that I pour into writing occasionally. DM me on Twitter @AarenGimenez if you wanna grumble with me about Disney ruining 'Star Wars' as we speak.

10 Sports Anime That, Sadly, Can't Hold a Candle to Haikyuu
10 Sports Anime That, Sadly, Can't Hold a Candle to Haikyuu
Remember, even if these series didn't serve up a spike like Haikyuu!!, they are still worth a watch.
10 Anime Series With Love Stories More Boring Than Twilight
10 Anime Series With Love Stories More Boring Than Twilight
These anime series have somehow crafted love stories less engaging than a vampire and his emo girlfriend.
9 Deserving Films That Were Overlooked by the Academy
9 Deserving Films That Were Overlooked by the Academy
These films may not have had their moment on the Academy stage, but they are certainly deserving of our attention.
10 Anime Shows That Tried To Be Naruto But Failed Miserably
10 Anime Shows That Tried To Be Naruto But Failed Miserably
These shows bit off more Naruto-style action than they could chew.
One-Hit Wonders: 10 Actors Who Vanished After Their Debut Film
One-Hit Wonders: 10 Actors Who Vanished After Their Debut Film
These actors didn't necessarily deliver terrible performances. They simply vanished from the Hollywood scene, some for reasons as strange as the plots of their debut films!
10 Longest Running Anime That Should've Ended Ages Ago
10 Longest Running Anime That Should've Ended Ages Ago
Some of those long-running anime series, let's be honest, have stretched their plotlines thinner than a strand of ramen noodle.
15 Movie Roles Great Actors Regret Passing On
15 Movie Roles Great Actors Regret Passing On
It's fascinating to think about the "what ifs" and "almosts" that could have made our favorite films look very different.
9 Actors You Forgot Starred in Superhero Movies
9 Actors You Forgot Starred in Superhero Movies
Long before the MCU there were these attempts at superhero-ing on the big screen.
Inception or Confusion? 10 Mind-Bending Films That Still Don't Make Sense
Inception or Confusion? 10 Mind-Bending Films That Still Don't Make Sense
Proceed with caution: side effects may include confusion, existential dread, and an irrepressible desire to argue about film theories on Reddit.
10 Sequels So Bad They Made the Originals Look Like Masterpiece
10 Sequels So Bad They Made the Originals Look Like Masterpiece
These are the follow-ups that made us question our taste in the original films.