Young Sheldon is Surprisingly Sheldon-less, But Fans Love It

Young Sheldon is Surprisingly Sheldon-less, But Fans Love It
Image credit: CBS

Good thing you can always go back to The Big Bang Theory if you miss him.

Young Sheldon was always intended to be a story of Sheldon Cooper's upbringing, focusing more on the struggles of Cooper's family and explaining the difficulties Sheldon had to overcome as a child.

As the show grew older, the focus shifted slightly, and now, as season 6 draws to a close, fans are wondering if they will ever get to see Sheldon-centered episode again.

"Does anyone miss Sheldon as a character? He's just a side character or quirky Comedic Relief now. I get that he's meant to become TBBT Sheldon, but that doesn't mean he can't be granted some moments of levity and humanity until then. He's a caricature, not a child prodigy struggling with life," Redditor kandiekake started a discussion, wondering if anybody else noticed the difference.

It turns out that Young Sheldon's viewers are happier with Sheldon generally out of the picture rather than in the spotlight.

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With many answering "no," meaning they don't really mind when other characters are in the spotlight, it almost seems like somewhere along the way the show missed the point and turned into something even more entertaining.

The main reason why Sheldon would be better off not being the center of attention again is something along the lines of him being a one-dimensional character with little to nothing to explore.

Perhaps Sheldon being smart and sarcastic (which many also perceive as borderline rude) was enough to carry 12 seasons of The Big Bang Theory, but not enough to continue the same in the prequel.

"The little boy Sheldon was much more believable than this one now that he has grown up, his big boy mouth making stupid remarks kinda irks me. No, I don't hate him I just loved him more when he was little," Another fan, Salty-Attorney-1367, suggested their take on why the audience enjoys the presence of Sheldon less.

Whether you prefer more main-character-focused storylines or enjoy the Coopers' family drama all the same, you wouldn't want to miss the season 6 two-part finale.

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Tune in to CBS on Thursday, May 18 at 8 pm.