Yellowstone's Creator Sheridan 'Begging' Kevin Costner to Finish the Show, Reports Claim

Yellowstone's Creator Sheridan 'Begging' Kevin Costner to Finish the Show, Reports Claim
Image credit: Legion-Media

Amid the massive stall of Yellowstone, Sheridan is said to be almost begging his rival and lead actor to resume shooting — but Costner refuses to finish the show at all.

After Kevin Costner tried to cut down his shooting hours for Yellowstone, things turned really ugly really fast: the lead actor and the creator of the show started antagonizing with each other, and the entire show stalled. Then the PaleoFest scandal came, then the sudden divorce filing by Costner’s wife…

Yellowstone went south and hasn’t returned yet — and the final season stopped halfway through as the last episodes can’t be done without Costner, the one and only John Dutton… Or can they?

According to sources close to Sheridan and Costner, the creator of Yellowstone recently made one last desperate attempt to mend his relationship with the lead actor and convince him to come back and finish the series finale. It didn’t work.

“Taylor is doing everything he can to make this right. He’s poured too much of himself into the show and its scripts to see it finished in any way but according to his vision. It’s just a shame Kevin has been so adamant about not returning because it’s the fans that lose in the end,” the insider told RadarOnline.

Admittedly, it’s not like Costner doesn’t want to see a proper ending to his already iconic character — he just feels like he can’t afford to agree on Sheridan’s terms.

“Kevin would very much like to resume shooting to give his character, John Dutton, a proper send-off — not to mention complete the story he’s worked so hard on for so many years. But there’s just too much bad blood that exists now between Taylor and Kevin with all of the sniping that’s gone on. It’s a relationship Kevin feels is beyond repair — no matter what Taylor says now,” explained the insider.

Apart from the Sheridan drama, Costner also has many other things on his plate that he’s struggling with: his massive Civil War project needs to keep going but he can’t proceed as usual since he’s dealing with the unexpected (by him, at least) court process after his wife, Christine, filed for divorce recently.

The situation is looking grim for Yellowstone, but some major scoopers suggest the filming of Yellowstone’s finale will soon continue… Without Kevin Costner.

While both he and Taylor Sheridan hate to do that to John Dutton, it seems like the man will actually get his own behind-the-scenes “F-you car crash” of sorts.

Source: RadarOnline