
Without Robin Williams, This Interstellar Star Would Never Have Graduated

Without Robin Williams, This Interstellar Star Would Never Have Graduated
Image credit: Legion-Media/globallookpress

The late beloved actor had such an impact on so many people's lives that it makes his untimely death all the more heartbreaking than it was.

One of the people who have Robin Williams to thank is actress Jessica Chastain, who we might not know today if it weren't for him.

The late What Dreams May Come star was an annual scholarship donor at the very college he went to – Julliard.

In a 2014 interview for TODAY, Jessica Chastain revealed that she was one of the lucky people to receive that scholarship.

The actress is "the first person in her family" to graduate from college, and it is all thanks to Williams' generosity.

Chastain had the opportunity to thank her life-changer in letters and through other people, but sadly she never got to meet him. That is a real shame, isn't it?

In 2022, the Interstellar star went on The Kelly Clarkson Show and shared that there was a time when she almost talked to her hero, but didn't take the opportunity.

Apparently, once she saw Williams walk into the same restaurant as her, but, being the nice person that she is, Jessica wanted to give him space to enjoy his meal first and then come over and say hi.

Unfortunately, the actor stormed out in the middle of dinner, and Jessica didn't want to "scare" him, so she chose to stay put and not run after Robin.

Years later, the Oscar-winning actress still regrets not meeting her idol when she had the chance, though she says that it is "a great lesson" for her and for anyone she tells this story to.

"Take advantage of the moment" is what we can all take away from it.There may be a saying that "you should never meet your heroes," but there is always that one exception that proves the rule.

For Jessica Chastain, it could have been Robin Williams if she wasn't so polite.

Now, we are not saying "be rude and get in the face of your faves whenever you see them," but always remember to live in the moment and shoot your shot accordingly.