
Why Peter Quill's Father Didn't Seek the Infinity Stones?

Why Peter Quill's Father Didn't Seek the Infinity Stones?
Image credit: Legion-Media/globallookpress

Many fans have wondered why Ego, the Living Planet, did not go after the most powerful artifacts in Guardians of the Galaxy.

After all, he was the Celestial, and his quest for power was the driving force behind his actions in Volume 2.

Redditor OlleyfromIndi attempted to explain one such plot hole in the theory. It seems to the viewer that Ego did have a plan, just a very secret and time-consuming one.

The fan thinks that the Celestial was trying to avoid attracting the attention of the various beings in the galaxy, since he understood that he wasn't the only one hunting for the mighty Stones.

And although Ego had tremendous powers, we had already seen that he could be killed, so the Living Planet was wary of other deities who could easily do away with him.

The Redditor believes that Ego deliberately flew around different planets, leaving his seeds on them to protect the perimeter of the search area. And he didn't need any Stones to do it.

And by the time anyone figured out his plan, it would have been very late, because Celestial would have had millions, if not billions, of subjects at his command.

Other fans point out that this is a plot hole anyway. Although they do agree that Ego's power was quite small compared to Thanos'.

Therefore, he would have needed the help of his son Star-Lord. Not everyone agrees with this interpretation, as Ego literally decimated the Sovereign fleet in a second.

It also seems to viewers that Ego was too EGOtistic to rely on anyone but himself for help. The planets were literally his children, but the Stones are an obscure, albeit incredibly powerful, artifact.

Another fan theorized that the Celestial simply didn't know about the Stones at the time.

However, this is countered by the viewer who noted how Ego pointed out that Peter only survived the encounter with the artifact because he is the son of a deity.

While there was a plot hole, or simply the character's decision to leave the Stones alone, Ego's quest for power ultimately led to his downfall, and the Guardians were able to stop him before he could achieve his goals.

Source: Reddit