Which Gilmore Girls Character Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Which Gilmore Girls Character Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?
Image credit: The WB

Are you a Gilmore Girls fan and an astrology nut? This article is definitely for you.

Let's match you with your sign pal, shall we?

Dean Forester (Aries)

Charismatic and warmhearted, Dean is certainly an Aries. His daring and courageous nature has helped him win over Rory, but his short temper and jealousy have cost him the girl he loves in the end.

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Lorelai Gilmore (Taurus)

Born on April 25, Lorelai is as typical of a Taurus as they come. If she sets her mind to something, there's a 100% chance that she will get it done. Lorelai is headstrong, independent, and passionate, which is why we love her so much.

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Jess Mariano (Gemini)

Jess' intelligence and curiosity are some of his best qualities, and they make him a Gemini (and a Ravenclaw). Rory has fallen for Jess because he is witty and charming – but in a closed-off way. Frankly, we can't blame her!

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Lane Kim (Cancer)

If there's one thing Cancers are known for, it is being dependable. Lane has always been a supportive friend that Rory can count on. She is nurturing and caring – maybe that's why she is such a great mom?

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Paris Geller (Leo)

Leos like attention, and attention likes them. That pretty much sums up Paris' personality. She is one fierce gal who knows what she wants and how to get it.

Paris may not come off as the most likable person at first, but once you get to know her, she is a hoot.

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Emily Gilmore (Virgo)

Lorelai may deny that she and Emily are alike as much as she wants, but they are, and their signs prove it. Emily prefers to do things by the book, and when it comes to achieving her goals, there is truly no stopping her (not even if you are her daughter).

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Rory Gilmore (Libra)

Rory was born on October 8, and her star sign perfectly describes her struggles. Libras strive for balance all their life, but they often find themselves unable to maintain it.

Rory's whole shtick is that she can't decide what and/or who she wants, and that's the most Libra thing ever.

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Luke Danes (Scorpio)

Luke may be moody and obsessive, but he makes up for it with his genuine care and loyalty. He is a hardworking and reliable Scorpio – honestly, Lorelai and Rory wouldn't have gotten this far without him.

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Sookie St. James (Sagittarius)

Sookie is a cheerleader by nature, and that's especially true in her dynamic with Lorelai. She is sweet, but willing to speak her mind when necessary, and that's the Sagittarius taking over.

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Richard Gilmore (Capricorn)

Richard valued ambition and discipline (maybe that's how he got to be so successful) He was a textbook Capricorn with his practical approach to life, driven mentality, and a love of his family.

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Michel Gerard (Aquarius)

Michel is such a chaotic character with a zero-tolerance policy for nonsense that it only makes sense that he is an Aquarius. He appreciates all things unique and can be quite obstinate, but Lorelai sure knows how to handle him!

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Logan Huntzberger (Pisces)

Logan is a mystery, and so are most Pisces. He is a bit detached from reality (being a rich kid and all), but his heart is mostly in the right place. Logan appears very gentle and trustworthy, and that's what has initially drawn Rory in.

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Your Gilmore Girls sign pal is found. Rejoice!