
Volturi Women's Untold Story Is Probably Twilight's Most Disturbing One

Volturi Women's Untold Story Is Probably Twilight's Most Disturbing One
Image credit: Summit Entertainment

What Volturi women, might you ask? Yeah, that's the point.

Twilight had plenty of various female characters, but we were only shown one woman from the villainous Volturi clan: Jane Volturi, who was able to inflict pain on others by just saying the word and looking them in the eyes.

The rest of the Volturi were predominantly male: Aro, Caius and Marcus were largely stealing the show when it came to the red-eyed bloodsuckers enforcing questionable vampire justice. However, there were other women in the Volturi family, and while the movies had left their stories out, we think they are not talked about enough.

If you haven't read the books, you probably don't even know that there are Volturi wives: Athenodora and Sulpicia, who are co-leaders and wives to other leaders, and Didyme, who was Marcus' wife.

Although the wives are formally co-leaders and powerful figures in the clan, their life is pretty miserable if you think about it: they only leave their tower in Volterra but once every few centuries to join their husbands on important trials.

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The rest of their time they spend basically in captivity, with another Volturi vampire, Corin, sent to them by Aro to keep them happy and content — artificially, of course, because their happiness is manipulated by Corin's powers.

The story of Didyme is particularly painful, because she herself was able to inflict happiness in others. Moreover, she and Marcus Volturi were genuinely in love with each other, even considering leaving the clan and living for themselves.

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Aro, however, wasn't a fan of the idea, so he secretly killed Didyme during a battle with another clan — and Marcus, who was plunged in eternal depression after that, never knew the truth.

Turns out, the Volturi clan has plenty of secrets — who knows, maybe enough for a whole separate spinoff about them exclusively? Now that Twilight is getting a TV reboot, the saga's future seems to be more promising than ever!