
Vital Voldemort Storyline Harry Potter Ditched For No Reason

Vital Voldemort Storyline Harry Potter Ditched For No Reason
Image credit: Legion-Media

At the very least, a brief revelation of this storyline would add versatility to the main villain of the franchise.

Voldemort had achieved such a position and reputation that the Wizarding World was afraid to even pronounce his name. Few know, however, that the secret of the Dark Lord's villainy lies deep in the roots of his family.

Tom Riddle was born into a family of pureblood Gaunt wizards.

Until the twentieth century, every member of the Gaunt family was a pure-blood, the canon being broken by Merope Gaunt, who married a Muggle and gave birth to a half-blood son.

The Gaunts were the last descendants of Salazar Slytherin and representatives of the Peverell family, which made them extremely proud of their heritage.

Like many other magical pureblood families, they clung to the magical superiority of purebloods and did everything they could to maintain that elitism.

Somewhere along the line, however, something went wrong, and a new generation of Gaunt descendants began squandering the accumulated family fortune inherited from their wealthy ancestors.

As a result, by the 20th century, the Gaunts found themselves in a very dire situation, deprived of financial wealth.

According to Dumbledore, the plight of the once rich and powerful Gaunt family was the reason for their innate lack of emotion and pride.

Another problem with the Gaunts was that sometimes, in order to maintain the purity of the blood, family members would marry their closest relatives, which resulted in unbalanced, emotionally unstable, and aggressive children being born.

We see examples of this in Voldemort's family. His grandfather, Marvolo Gaunt, was very cruel not only to strangers, but also to his own relatives.

Voldemort's mother, Merope Gaunt, suffered the most from her father's aggression, as it directly affected the fact that she could not fully use her magic due to the psychological trauma she experienced, which was difficult for her to get rid of, leading many to conclude that she was a squib.

Merope was no beauty and lived in constant humiliation by her father, not knowing love. Therefore, after meeting a Muggle named Tom Riddle, she fell in love with him.

It seemed that Merope had no chance for Tom's mutual feelings, but in the Wizarding World everything is possible. Merope gave Tom a love potion, they married and run away to start a life together.

After becoming pregnant, Merope apparently believed that Tom was now definitely not going anywhere, and stopped giving him Amortentia.

Having begun to see clearly, Tom did not live up to the witch's hopes and coldly abandoned her and her unborn child. After that Merope's sole purpose was to give life to their child.

After the birth, Merope gave the boy the name Tom, in honor of his father, the middle name Marvolo, in honor of his grandfather, and the surname Riddle, which the child could rightfully bear, like anyone born in a legal marriage.

Having done her duty, Merope let death take her.

The name of the witch fully reflects her fate – Merope in Greek mythology is one of the Pleiad who married a mortal.

The dimmest of the Pleiades stars, she was ashamed of her marriage to a mortal.

Although the history of Voldemort's family is not fundamental to the plot, fans agree that if it was revealed in much the same form as the Tale of the Three Brothers, it would only make the storyline more logical and fulfilling.

The ancient history of cruelty and indifference of the Gaunt and Riddle families created the Dark Lord who knew neither love nor tenderness.