Virgin River Ruined This Couple Although It Was Perfect in Books (But Fans Don't Lose Hope)

Virgin River Ruined This Couple Although It Was Perfect in Books (But Fans Don't Lose Hope)
Image credit: Netflix

What Virgin River got wrong and why fans are still hopeful?

Virgin River has given us some serious emotional rollercoasters. One couple that has the fanbase divided: Preacher and Paige.

While the books painted a rosy picture of their love story, the Netflix series has taken some, let's say, “creative liberties” that have left fans scratching their heads.

In the books, Paige escapes an abusive marriage with her young son, Christopher. She arrives in Virgin River and finds solace and safety in Preacher. Their relationship develops more organically and is less fraught with the kind of drama seen in the TV adaptation.

But fans don't lose hope, buzzing with theories and hopes for this couple. A recent Reddit post had fans discussing their mixed feelings about Preacher and Paige. While some find their storyline a bit dull, others are still holding out hope for a happy ending.

One user even mentioned that the writers did a disservice to the couple, stating that their story in the books was "great and extremely cute," unlike the Netflix series, which they found "cringe and unbelievable."

Virgin River Ruined This Couple Although It Was Perfect in Books (But Fans Don't Lose Hope) - image 1

In the intense finale of season 4, Vince holds Paige at gunpoint, and Preacher steps in to save the day. There are speculations that Vince might still be alive and that Preacher could face legal repercussions.

It also hints that Paige might run away again, especially since Preacher has admitted to having feelings for a new character, Julia, which could complicate things further for Paige.

What if Preacher decides to leave Virgin River to find Paige? Or what if a new character comes into play who acts as a catalyst for Preacher and Paige's reunion? The possibilities are endless, and that's what makes the anticipation so exciting.

So, what's the takeaway here? Well, the show has definitely strayed from the books, and not everyone is happy about it. But hey, that's what fan theories are for, right?

Whether you're Team Preacher and Paige or not, one thing's for sure: Virgin River has us all eagerly waiting for its fifth season.

Virgin River is expected to drop on Netflix really soon, on September 7.

Are you holding out hope for Preacher and Paige?

Source: Reddit