
Unleashing the Dark Side: Which MCU Villain Deserves All the Hate? 

Unleashing the Dark Side: Which MCU Villain Deserves All the Hate? 
Image credit: Legion-Media/Marvel

Fans still can't forgive these bad guys.

Since 2008, the MCU universe has been painstakingly developing its characters and their storylines. The superheroes have already faced Loki, Altron, a transformed Scarlet Witch, and will soon have to battle the great and powerful Kang.

But while fans are waiting for new movies about their favorite protagonists, they decided to choose the most hated villains who deserve no mercy.

Of course, viewers couldn't get past Thanos, the terrifying and insane Titan who has been stalking the Avengers since the first movie. The mad villain has been on a quest to collect all the Infinity Stones in order to fulfill his plan to destroy half the universe.

Fans can't forgive Thanos not only for the Snap, but also for the way he treated Gamora and Nebula. After kidnapping the girls when they were children, he raised them to be cruel and hateful, nurturing their anger and rage.

Viewers also have trouble forgiving an equally bad father named Ego, who appeared in the second installment of Guardians of the Galaxy. Peter Quill's parent turned out to be a living planet with a lust for power and immortality that led him to manipulate and kill even his own children.

But the most hated villain, according to absolutely most fans, was The High Evolutionary, who recently appeared on the screens in James Gunn 's new movie about Guardians of the Galaxy. Once again, the director has created an incredibly motivated evil that has fans on the edge of their seats.

The High Evolutionary is a scientist who seeks to usher in a new era of human evolution through genetic manipulation. While his intentions may seem noble, his methods and actions reveal a dark side that makes him a worthy candidate for the title of the MCU's most hated villain.

Who is the worst?

In the third Guardians film, Gunn finally revealed the backstory of Rocket Raccoon, who was captured by the High Evolutionary as a baby animal. The villain experimented on the protagonist and his friends, killing them after they tried to escape.

Throughout his life, Rocket dreamed of avenging his comrades, and Volume 3 finally gave the Raccoon that opportunity.

Source: Reddit