
Unhealthy Bond: Dark Details Of Tarantino Methods Of Work With Uma Thurman

Unhealthy Bond: Dark Details Of Tarantino Methods Of Work With Uma Thurman
Image credit: Legion-Media

Why be nice when the opposite method will get you what you need.

Quentin Tarantino is an acclaimed director with each of his nine movies being considered a smash hit and a true masterpiece.

But nobody ever asked themselves questions about the process of making those great hits. Were the actors' working conditions even healthy?

As there have never been any scandals, we all assumed everything was okay. But as it turned out, one of Tarantino's muses, Uma Thurman, has actually suffered a lot during the Kill Bill shooting process.

The truth is, it wasn't the first time those two worked together. Actually, it was Tarantino's 1994 Pulp Fiction that gave Thurman international fame. So they have shared a history way before her role in Kill Bill.

But that didn't stop Tarantino from actually abusing the actress on the set of the new film. After the movie was released, Uma Thurman shared that she didn't feel safe during that time.

She said that the conditions in which she was working were terrible. And she was treated badly, especially when it came to her health problems.

But the thing that shocked fans most of all was actually the specific moment during the shooting when Tarantino lied to the actress about her safety in a car stunt.

Which of course ended up with her getting hurt. She said that she was left after that with permanent injuries to her neck and knees.

However, she later shared the video of her infamous car accident on her Instagram, claiming that the director was sorry for causing her so much pain.

We wonder if it is enough…