Twilight Reboot May Ruin the Original... By Making It Less Toxic

Twilight Reboot May Ruin the Original... By Making It Less Toxic
Image credit: Legion-Media

Some aspects of the original may seem too problematic for modern audiences.

The Twilight Saga, a series of movies based on the books by Stephenie Meyer, ended a decade ago with the release of Breaking Dawn – Part 2.

Despite mixed reviews from critics, the films were a financial success, created a cult following and became a pop culture phenomenon.

And now Lionsgate Television seems to have taken notes from Warner Bros., who recently announced a Harry Potter TV adaptation, and is working on its own TV series based on the best-selling fantasy romance books.

Yes, the Twilight reboot is coming upon us.

The project is in the very early stages of development, and it has not yet been decided whether it will be another adaptation of the book saga or a completely different story set in the world of Twilight.

Stephenie Meyer is expected to be involved in the creation of the film.

Although fans are excited to hear about more content set in their favorite franchise, many of them have some serious doubts about how the creators will handle the source material.

First of all, the relationship between Bella and Edward may seem rather problematic to today's audiences.

Softening it by making Edward less weird and obsessive, the relationship less unhealthy, or perhaps turning Bella into another cliched "boss-girl" would simply kill the unique charm of the original.

If the story becomes about a level-headed, likeable guy who respects everyone's boundaries dating a strong, independent woman, it won't be Twilight anymore.

The other thing is, if the story is transferred to the modern 2020s, it would destroy the atmosphere of the books and previous adaptations.

The mid-2000s feel, reinforced by Bella's wardrobe and the lack of social media, is what fans love about Twilight and taking it away would only damage the world of the series.

Finally, the original cast is so iconic to fans of the movies (despite the enormous amount of jokes made about their acting talents over the years) that it would be extremely hard to like new people taking on the familiar roles.

With all that in mind, it seems that the safest route for the creators would be to make a prequel series, rather than recreating an already beloved story — which, let's be honest, was just cringeworthy enough on its own.

Source: Reddit