
Twilight Fans Still Ready to Side With Jacob Despite Trendy Hate Train

Twilight Fans Still Ready to Side With Jacob Despite Trendy Hate Train
Image credit: Summit Entertainment

Boy do we enjoy love triangles, huh?

The Twilight franchise’s latest movie was released more than 10 years ago, but the debate on which couple should have been the endgame is still alive. The winners by far are the fans who worship the original couple, Edward and Bella. After all, without them, there wouldn't have been five movies.

But many people still believe that Bella should have stayed with Jacob.

And frankly, they have valid points, even though the common agreement is that Jacob was even more of a toxic boyfriend material than Edward Cullen himself.

“Jacob pulled Bella out of a place when nobody else could, a place that could have been avoided had it not been for Edward’s mistake. He was right for her on so many levels. If Edward had died, Jacob would have been the one Bella would’ve ended up with,” Redditor U-shouldnt-know-me said.

In the first few movies, we see that Jacob is funny, understanding, and completely supportive of Bella. He keeps her warm and makes her feel safe like no one else. Then the New Moon movie really gives fans a glimpse of what their lives would have been like if Edward wasn't in the picture, and many fans just didn't want it to end.

Twilight Fans Still Ready to Side With Jacob Despite Trendy Hate Train - image 1

Unfortunately, even the most devoted Jacob fans cannot get over the fact that his personality changed for the worse later. He became abusive, manipulative and sometimes even cruel. Even though he explained all this bitterness with the fact that he didn't want to lose Bella, it didn't help much to win.

We can't say that there was absolutely no chance for him to become Bella's main love interest, but the competition for her heart was really intense. Jacob did everything he could, both good and bad, to win her over, but he still couldn't do it.

Well, maybe some things are just not meant to be. At least he got Renesmee in the end and was perfectly happy. Not at all a creepy arc.