Top 5 Cringiest Moments in Community, Ranked

Top 5 Cringiest Moments in Community, Ranked
Image credit: NBC

Like any show, Community has had its ups and downs, but some of the downs were so cringe-worthy that they just turned our faces red.

Here are five times we all winced while watching Community ( we know you did too, don't deny it).

5. Troy's A/C College Storyline

This side plot was fun the first time Troy's natural talent for fixing stuff was mentioned, and then it became increasingly tedious.

This could've been a great character development arc for Troy, but after the episodes about the A/C school, Troy just went back to where he started from growth-wise.

We all got tired of it pretty quickly, so it was a relief when the writers finally dropped the storyline.

4. Jeff & Britta Mocking Kids

Community used to be a niche show for those who appreciated witty one-liners, pop-culture references, and playing with the fourth wall.

However, the time Jeff and Britta just spent an entire episode mocking high school students was not it. The argument was petty, the behavior was childish, and the episode just felt out of place and out of sync with the narrative of the show.

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3. Chang's Villain Origin Story

No one on the show was more unpredictable than former Spanish teacher Chang. In the first two seasons, the character was over-the-top, but still pretty believable and relatable.

Season 3 turned him into a caricature played for laughs that we just didn't feel for anymore. The whole dictatorship storyline was so ridiculous that many of us felt the need to fast-forward through some of the scenes.

2. The Group Poking Fun at Vaughn

The members of the study group were pretty harsh to each other and others over the years, but there were several times they came close to becoming totally unlikable.

Remember when they all made fun of Vaughn's poem for Britta, and he overheard them? That was just one of those scenes that was really uncomfortable to watch.

The horrible thing about it was that the study group literally had no good reason to act like they did.

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1. The Entirety of Season 4

Season 4 became known as the gas leak year for a reason. Dan Harmon, the showrunner and creator, got fired for being too difficult, and apparently, the ratings went with him.

All the characters felt different during that season, their motives seemed weird, and the storylines didn't cut it. After a year of cringing, the bosses hired Harmon back for season 5, and the show got back on the right track.

Still, Community is one of the best sitcoms out there, and no amount of awkward scenes can change that. We said what we said!