
Top 3 Unscripted The Lord Of the Rings Moments, Ranked by Fans

Top 3 Unscripted The Lord Of the Rings Moments, Ranked by Fans
Image credit: Legion-Media

Peter Jackson's films are still the greatest trilogy ever made. Audiences love the thrilling battles, the well-developed characters and the incredible New Zealand scenery.

But the moments when things went off-script during filming are still the most beloved by many fans.

3. Gandalf in Bilbo's house

One of these moments happened in The Fellowship of the Ring when the kind wizard entered the house of his old halfling friend.

Peter Jackson was trying to scale the set and show how much smaller hobbits are compared to humans. He didn't take into account that Ian McKellen, the actor who played the wizard, is quite tall.

So when Gandalf enters Bilbo's house, he bumps his head. But the actor was unperturbed and continued to play.

This was not scripted, and Peter Jackson thought it looked very authentic and decided to include it in the movie.

Fans love this scene because it creates an unspeakable atmosphere and really shows the height difference between Wizards and Halflings.

2. Aragorn and the helmet

This is perhaps the most famous moment in the trilogy that was not scripted in advance.

In this scene, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas track down Merry and Pippin, who have been kidnapped by Orcs who thought that the Hobbits had taken the Ring. The halflings are carried to the borders of Fangorn Forest, and then their trail disappears.

The three heroes catch up with the unfortunate creatures of Saruman, but they find the battlefield with nothing left of the Uruk-hai. Aragorn, already convinced that Mary and Pippin are dead, angrily kicks the orc's helmet.

At this point, actor Viggo Mortensen was howling in pain, having broken several toes on his leg. However, he remained in character and continued to play the role of a Ranger.

Fans are incredibly grateful to Viggo for this performance, as many still do not understand how the actor managed to keep his composure and continue to portray the noble heir of Isildur.

1. Aragorn and Lurtz

Once again, the incredible Viggo Mortensen. Before the climax of the first part of the trilogy, there was a battle between the Fellowship of the Ring and a band of orcs sent by Saruman.

The fearsome creatures were led by Lurtz, a master of all weapons. This ruthless Orc fired three arrows from his bow at Boromir. And as he was about to fire a decisive shot to the head, Aragorn approached and pushed him aside.

Then Lurtz threw a dagger at the true king of Gondor. Some say the stuntman used a real weapon, others say he shouldn't have thrown the prop so close to Viggo.

But the trained actor had no trouble deflecting the dagger. So this non-staged moment made it into the final cut of the movie and became the most legendary among fans.

Source: Reddit