Thought The Boys’ Ant-Man Scene Was Gross? Gen V Just Did Something Far, Far Worse

Thought The Boys’ Ant-Man Scene Was Gross? Gen V Just Did Something Far, Far Worse
Image credit: Amazon Prime Video

Did you think the spin-off couldn't come close to the original show? Gen V did more than that — surpassed it.

Anyone who has seen The Boys will undoubtedly have a vivid recollection of perhaps the most disgusting and shocking scene in the show's history. Yes, we’re talking about the scene with Termite. Unfortunately, we remember it too because it is not something that fades from memory quickly.

As the MCU ended Phase Three, one popular joke about how Ant-Man could defeat Thanos gained traction. Fans made memes about how the superhero could make himself small and simply rip apart the titan from the inside, saving many worlds in the process. Well, that’s inventive and could actually work.

And it was that joke that inspired The Boys’ creator Eric Kripke to come up with the notorious Termite scene. Speaing to Variety, Kripke said that he had to give Marvel viewers what they wanted (thank you very much).

So the fans of the show got a scene with the superhero Termite, who climbs into the genitals of another supe, but accidentally sneezes, transforms back to his normal size, and blows up the person.

If you thought that scene was impossible to top, think again. Gen V, a worthy successor, continues what The Boys started.

Thought The Boys’ Ant-Man Scene Was Gross? Gen V Just Did Something Far, Far Worse - image 1

Gen V has a great cast, but from the very first episode Lizze Broadway, who plays Emma, steals the show. Her superpower is pretty useless — the girl can shrink. She cannot use this ability for good deeds, so she runs her own video blog where she makes faces and just entertains the audience. All the people around her are much more talented, so all she can do is be a friend to this or that superhero.

But unfulfilled ambitions do not make her a sad hero. On the contrary, in many ways she embodies the typical comedic character in a college-set show. And what usually happens in college comedies? That's right, sex. Now, if you combine Emma's ability with the typical college life situation, you can imagine how the spin-off creators paid homage to the grossest scene of the original series.

Thought The Boys’ Ant-Man Scene Was Gross? Gen V Just Did Something Far, Far Worse - image 2

Emma hooks up with one of the other students, specifically with a guy who tells her that he has a particular fetish. And that fetish is connected to Emma’s superpower. And she agrees to do what he’s asking her.

We'll spare you the details, but let's just say that in some ways, Gen V's scene is even weirder than the one from The Boys. Just watch the show and see it for yourself. Or better — don’t.

Source: Variety