
This Twilight Prop Is As Famous As The Film's Cast Despite Not Even Appearing In It

This Twilight Prop Is As Famous As The Film's Cast Despite Not Even Appearing In It
Image credit: globallookpress, Lionsgate

You probably know exactly what we're talking about.

What comes to mind when you hear the name Renesmee? Probably werewolf imprinting on a fast-growing baby.

The majority of Twilight fans will also remember the uncanny valley vibe that Bella and Edward's daughter gave off. And many of them will be surprised to find out that the image they have in mind is not from the movie. It is actually a photo of a prop that never made it to the screen because it was way too creepy.

The prop was an animatronic doll created for Breaking Dawn. When Bella found out she was pregnant, there was a lot of hype about how special and extremely beautiful the human-vampire hybrid would be. So the creators wanted to make this baby special, and instead of filming the real child, they decided to build a doll.

This Twilight Prop Is As Famous As The Film's Cast Despite Not Even Appearing In It - image 1

But the prop turned out to be so creepy that the cast and crew dubbed it Chuckesmee, alluding to another horror doll, and used a CGI baby instead. Though the prop never made it into the movie, its images from the unreleased cuts spread across the Internet, and it became almost as famous as the franchise's characters. Even those who have never seen Breaking Dawn have probably stumbled upon photos of the terrifying doll. And it is not just its appearance that makes it nightmare fuel. Chuckesmee may be haunted.

Bill Condon, who directed Breaking Dawn, shared a story which could easily be used in a horror movie.

He described how once, after they had finished shooting a scene with the doll, it turned its head and stared at the camera. Blood-curdling!

The cursed animatronic doll can be found in the Forever Twilight collection in Forks, Washington. The prop has become a popular tourist attraction. Forks Chamber of Commerce CEO Lissy Andros told Jezebel that people, especially children, are so mesmerized by the doll when they see it that they can't help but try to touch it. That's why it was covered with a glass display, which also serves another purpose. It doesn't let Chuckesmee out. Andros described how the doll would move in its case:

"One day she might be standing up straight and the next when you come in on another day, she's in a weird position."

Unfortunately, the material the doll is made of is actively melting, and Twilight fans may only have so many days to visit the haunted daughter of Edward and Bella.