This Sci-Fi Horror Gem Just Dropped Season 3, but It Already Has 100% on RT

This Sci-Fi Horror Gem Just Dropped Season 3, but It Already Has 100% on RT
Image credit: MGM+

It's one of the best horror shows out there you can't afford to miss.

The From series is a mystical thriller from the Lost crew. It premiered in 2022 and focuses on a group of people who find themselves in a mysterious city from which it is impossible to leave. The third season premiered on September 22 on MGM+.

What Happens in Season 3 of From?

In the first episode of the third season, Tabitha ends up in the hospital: accustomed to life in the gritty settlement, she is in shock from a collision with the ordinary world.

Tabitha tries to find her way back to town. She comes to the church to confess to the priest and finds the address of Victor, the oldest resident of the town. After going to his house, she meets his father.

Meanwhile, at the police station, Sheriff Boyd talks about a confrontation with a monster that took the form of his wife. And Jim goes into the woods to find the missing Tabitha. At the same time, there are clashes between the townspeople, who are afraid of the approaching famine.

At night, cattle mysteriously appear in the streets. This forces Boyd and others to leave their homes to herd the animals into the barn. There, however, they are attacked by monsters who tie up the sheriff and kill his friend, Tian-Chen, in front of him.

In the second episode, viewers are shown that Boyd is having a hard time coming to terms with the death of his friend. The sheriff decides to destroy the cave where the monsters are coming from and also to catch one of them.

Meanwhile, Tabitha tries to explain to Victor's father how she knows his son. He calls the police, and the woman promises to prove she is not crazy. During a confusing story about what happened, Tabitha mentions that she sees dead children. It turns out that Victor's father has heard of such visions. Tabitha learns that she is the chosen one.

From Is a Mix of Stephen King Style and Survivor Shows

Critics note that the project resembles a cross between Stephen King novels and survival series. The key elements that attract attention are the characters' reactions to extreme conditions and difficult moral choices under constant stress. The script does not leave them a moment of peace, interweaving mysticism and fantasy without giving clear answers.

The third season is a worthy continuation of the previous two – the season currently has 100% from critics and 91% from viewers on Rotten Tomatoes.

Season 3 Has Already Picked Up Speed in Just Two Episodes

One of the strengths of Season 3 is the balance of the story. Each of the main characters has their own arc and roughly the same amount of screen time. This allows the story to be told from a variety of angles, creating an oppressive atmosphere in which the viewer must try to unravel the town's terrible mystery bit by bit.

In contrast to the leisurely storytelling of previous seasons, viewers have already seen panic, growing desperation, the consequences of hopelessness, and important new information in two episodes. The townspeople themselves are like cornered animals – and it is unknown whether they will be able to maintain their humanity in the face of horror.