
This Harry Potter Quote Will Kill The Last Bit of Sympathy You Had For Albus Dumbledore

This Harry Potter Quote Will Kill The Last Bit of Sympathy You Had For Albus Dumbledore
Image credit: Warner Bros.

Prepare to hate the guy even more than before.

Albus Dumbledore has had a very telling character journey from a wise white-bearded mentor to a sneaky old man who simply used an underage wizard boy like a slaughter pig.

It's pretty challenging to be a Dumbledore fan even if you have only watched the movies. However, if you're familiar with the books, then it's even easier to hate the Hogwarts headmaster — not just because how he treated Harry, but because of what he did to his own family.

Remember this particular one from The Goblet of Fire? Let's refresh your memory a bit. Or maybe this one will be a nice additional little touch for the Dumbledore image in your head.

"My own brother, Aberforth, was prosecuted for practising inappropriate charms on a goat. It was all over the papers, but did Aberforth hide? No, he did not! He held his head high and went about his business as usual! Of course, I'm not entirely sure he can read, so that may not have been bravery..."

The quote seems just way too mean — especially considering how many bitter memories Aberforth had about Albus, and how the latter basically destroyed his brother's hope for the future. No matter why J.K.Rowling added this particular punchline to the book, it didn't age well.

However, many Redditors think that Dumbledore wasn't trying to be mean. Instead, they say, he was just being an older brother; after all, anyone with a sibling knows how cracking on your brother or sister can be a love language.

This Harry Potter Quote Will Kill The Last Bit of Sympathy You Had For Albus Dumbledore - image 1

Others added that Rowling might have just been having fun with the character without knowing that she was going to make him kind of a villain in the end. After all, Dumbledore said this line when talking to Hagrid, so it was more of a friendly banter rather than a cold public diss.

Still, never aged well, that one. And certainly doesn't help when you try to redeem Dumbledore in your head (we occasionally do that even to the worst villains, right?..)

Source: Reddit