
This Harry Potter Fan Theory Will Make You a Believer in Magic (Even if You're a Skeptic)

This Harry Potter Fan Theory Will Make You a Believer in Magic (Even if You're a Skeptic)
Image credit: Legion-Media

Can Muggles perform magic?

Harry Potter has opened the world of magic to millions of readers and viewers worldwide. The Harry Potter phenomenon meant not only endless queues for new books and huge box office success for each movie but also a change in public psychology. Suddenly, witches and wizards, fantastic creatures, and magical spells became very real.

Everyone wanted to believe that magic existed in the real world even if it meant that they were Muggles since a Hogwarts acceptance letter had never been delivered to their house.

This desire to believe in real-life magic has become only stronger with the building and development of Wizarding World which united millions of fans and gave them the platform to become a wizard or a witch in digital space. All that makes people who grew up with Harry Potter on their lap and screens true believers in magic.

This Character Totally Got the Short End of the Wand in Harry Potter Series

They keep finding hidden clues and creating fan theories that could make anyone wonder whether Wizarding World is real.

One of these theories was recently discussed on the r/harrypotter Subreddit.

"Has anyone considered that replica Harry Potter wands are in fact real, but we simply can't use them because we're Muggles?" the author of the theory, Redditor u/quisitorial, started the discussion.

The Redditor is talking about millions of replica wands that are sold in thousands of Harry Potter fan shops worldwide. Some dedicated fans have whole collections of these wands. The majority of commenters loved the idea, but there were some skeptics who doubted the theory was plausible. They noted that wands made out of plastic resin surely couldn't be real. Believers had a hilarious answer to that.

"My wand is plastic, infused with the lifeblood of a Tyrannosaurus rex. Yours is unicorn horn? How.. quaint... Never forget that oil could be made from dinosaurs and plastic is made from oil," one of the believers wrote on Reddit.

Other commenters noted that plastic wands not being able to do magic is exactly what wizards would want Muggles to think, proving the plausibility of the theory. There were also some heartwarming stories demonstrating that even Muggles with plastic wands can perform magic.

"My daughter thinks it's magic because I used [my wand] to rid her closet and under her bed of monsters," one of the commenters shared.