This 9-1-1 Scene Could’ve Kickstarted a Redemption Arc Fans Crave, but Got Cut Instead

This 9-1-1 Scene Could’ve Kickstarted a Redemption Arc Fans Crave, but Got Cut Instead
Image credit: ABC

They can’t just sweep this under the rug.

To say that season 7 of 9-1-1 exceeded viewers' expectations would have been an understatement. The show has been consistently great for years, but the move from Fox to ABC could have ruined a streak for fans. Instead, the new network brought something they had been asking for for years.

Buck's journey of self-discovery has been a long time coming in the eyes of many fans. However, no one expected anyone other than Eddie to be the catalyst. Instead, viewers got Tommy, and to be honest, they're still not too sold on him.

9-1-1 Season 7 Deleted Tommy Scene

Aside from not being Eddie, Tommy's worst quality is that he was present in both Chim and Hen's 'Begins' episodes as part of a bully group. Even though both seem to have made amends with the man himself at the moment, the fans haven't seen it, and the issue hasn't been properly addressed. Without it, the writers seem to be trying to minimize Tommy's past.

Pairing Buck with anyone was always going to be a problem for the hardcore Buddie shippers, but everyone else just wants to see Tommy acknowledge his mistakes and get a pass from Buck's friends before moving forward with him. It turns out that episode 9 of season 7 had a perfect scene for this, but it was cut.

In a scene that takes place after the crew has been awarded medals for their work on the cruise from the beginning of the season, Hen and her wife Karen approach Tommy to have a serious talk with him. They ask him about his intentions with Buck, and he gives the sweetest possible answer.

Although very short, this scene had great potential for Tommy to think about why the team might be so protective of Buck, and for Hen to then approach him again and have a conversation that so many viewers would want to see.

However, as it was taken out of the episode altogether, the hope for any sort of on-screen redemption arc for Tommy is now vanishing.

If you are interested in seeing where the relationship between Tommy and Buck goes in the upcoming season 8, be sure to keep an eye out for any news or behind-the-scenes updates from the 9-1-1 set.