
Things About Twilight Saga That Hit Differently When You Are An Adult

Things About Twilight Saga That Hit Differently When You Are An Adult
Image credit: Legion-Media

Looking at some Twilight moments from a mature perspective could be both painful and refreshing.

As teenagers, we were all captivated by the intense love story between Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, the supernatural elements, and the eternal debate between Team Edward and Team Jacob.

However, rewatching The Twilight Saga as an adult (which we do on an annual basis) gives a different perspective on some key moments and allows us to see the story in a new light.

Here are 5 things about The Twilight Saga that hit you differently as an adult.

1. Bella's Mother Was The Problem

Renée Dwyer sucks. She simply sent Bella to her dad and forgot about her for good. Do you remember how she wasn't able to attend her daughter's graduation night because Phil, aka Renée's husband, injured his leg?

It's just a leg, and your grown baseball-playing hubby could have taken care of himself. As a responsible and loving mother, you had to be with your daughter on this vital day of her life.

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2. The Cullens Have To Go To School

Yes, it's weird, but it's the only right way for them. Being constantly in high school has its solid reasons. We know that the Cullens move from town to town to avoid suspicion.

The younger the five kids start, the longer they can stay in the same place. Starting in high school, then going to college, and finally entering adult life can save the family at least 15 years.

3. Bella's Depression Was Too Realistic

After Edward left Bella, she completely lost the meaning of life. She heard his voice all the time, saw his face everywhere, had insomnia and nightmares, didn't eat much, had no interest in going out with friends, and preferred to stay alone.

Isn't that a perfect portrayal of depression? And that scene by the window with changing seasons? Mind-blowing.

4. The Love Line Between A Grown Man And A Child

As adults, we thought the love story between Jacob, the wolf, who imprinted on Bella and Edward's daughter Renesmee, a half-human, half-vampire hybrid, was more than just fine.

But growing up and seeing those moments again eventually became painful and made us realize how weird this line was.

Thank God Renesmee was growing up faster than a normal human, otherwise, we wouldn't survive those scenes over and over again. And imagine how awkward for the actors it was to film…

5. Bella's Choice Was Right

This constant battle between Team Edward/Team Jacob was the drama we lived for. But over time, as adults, we realized something. Edward was always the right choice for Bella.

Despite the fact that they unconditionally loved each other and cared for each other's feelings, Edward did something that Jacob never could — he let Bella choose. Always.

While Jacob tried to play the role of an overprotective boyfriend, it mostly turned out selfish and childish. He pushed Bella into uncomfortable situations and made her make unnecessary choices too many times.

Edward always respected Bella's boundaries even when it was not in his favor.

The Twilight Saga offers a different experience when rewatching as adults. While some aspects may be seen in a more critical light, the vampire saga still holds a special place in our hearts and we believe it always will.

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No measure of time with this story will be enough, but we will start with forever.