"They're the Same Picture": HIMYM and Friends Follow Exact Same Pattern and It's Hilarious

Image credit: Legion-Media/globallookpress

Two of the most classic sitcoms are often compared with each other.

Obviously, there are many similarities between the shows: both series tell us about a group of friends with their internal love affairs, ups and downs, and other shenanigans, who have their own spot in their favorite public place.

But in reality, the similarities run so deep that both shows pretty much follow the exact same pattern. If you prefer one series over the other, you likely don't think that's correct, but we'll show you the proof.

Reddit user AcceptableClimate523 described the characters from Friends and How I Met Your Mother — and their dynamics in a way that shows how identical they are.

Let's give code names to our characters:

Nerd — Ted and Ross. They pursue their true love and dream career. Friends make fun of them for being nerdy. They become professors and start dating a student.

Chaser — Robin and Rachel. Somewhat new to the friend group, they chase their New York dream and try to find a good job in the city.

Womanizer — Barney and Joey. Both of them are would do anything for their friends, and their biggest concern is getting women.

Groom — Marshall and Chandler. Funny and sweet guys, loyal to their true-love partner.

Hen — Lily and Monica. A great cook and a mother hen of the friend group who leaves her stable job and works for little to no money to succeed with their dream career.

Groom is Nerd's best friend since college. Nerd and Chaser constantly get together and break up once in a while since the start of the show, but they still end up together — even though at some point, Chaser and Womanizer also get together.

Groom and Hen have a stable happy relationship, wedding, and kids. At their wedding, Nerd is the best man, Chaser is the maid of honor, and Womanizer officiates the entire thing.

Well. Do you see what we're talking about now?