
There Are Still Ways MCU Phase 5 Can Make Up For Phase 4 Trainwreck

There Are Still Ways MCU Phase 5 Can Make Up For Phase 4 Trainwreck
Image credit: Legion-Media

Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been widely regarded as the closest MCU came to a flop.

It focused on introducing new characters and genres, but has left some potentially exciting stories and characters behind for some reason.

Fans think Phase 4 was "kinda doomed" from the beginning, and "had an uneven road."

Well, here are several ways Phase 5 could improve the state of affairs and satisfy fans.

First of all, continue Spider-Man's story: Peter Parker is in hot demand, as shown by the Spider-Verse animated movies and the success of the Tom Holland-led trilogy, so it would be a crime to stop there.

As the following is probably one of the most eagerly anticipated fan's wishes, MCU should at last introduce X-Men. Since Disney acquired Fox, fans have been excited to see the X-Men in the MCU.

Phase 5 could just be the perfect time to introduce them in one way or another.

Perhaps, a little shake-up on the villain field wouldn't hurt either. Phase 5 could add more iconic villains. Dr. Doom is one of the few that come to mind.

Furthermore, Phase 5 could continue the whole No Way Home's fan service game. For instance, bring back some old characters, like the original Avengers, to close their stories — or just say hi in a short cameo appearance.

Finally, and this is perhaps the most controversial of all, Phase 5 could introduce more genre movies, like horrors or science fiction movies.

Although this seems the least likely of all since Marvel bosses are infamous for not letting the creative genius of genre directors fly freely (Sam Raimi 's Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was a clear indication of that).

All in all, fans just would like to see a more coherent future Phase that could "help please people that want to see how connected things are… and not just hints" that are relevant for the comic book's lovers but fail to paint a bigger picture for the general audiences.