The Young And The Restless' Cameron Is Diabolical Again, But There's a Catch

The Young And The Restless' Cameron Is Diabolical Again, But There's a Catch
Image credit: Legion-Media

Another plot twist that left fans scratching their heads.

The Young and the Restless is one of the most famous American soap operas on TV. Launched in 1973, the show continues to keep its fans on the edge of their seats with unexpected plot twists and surprising and even shocking storylines.

This week’s episodes were not the exception and actually played on fans' nerves. But the one who actually suffered a lot from the new plot twist was the show's longtime character Sharon.

Frankly, what she went through is one of the worst things that could happen to a mother. The thing is, the show's biggest villain, Cameron Kirsten, had kidnapped her daughter, Faith.

The news took Sharon by complete and utter shock. Her daughter was on her way to the airport and her car was even escorted by the police. But somehow Cameron found out.

The Young And The Restless' Cameron Is Diabolical Again, But There's a Catch - image 1

When Chance called the airport and found out that Faith never made her flight, he rushed to Sharon and Nick to tell them the devastating news.

The situation seems really odd, because nobody except for the four of them should have ever known about the flight. And this brings us to the new twist… Cameron might have been in their house when Sharon and Nick were booking the flight.

But after that he somehow managed to interfere with the police escort, since his phone was going to voicemail just like Faith’s.

Considering how diabolical and corrupt Kirsten is, Sharon's desperate fear is right on the money...and her desperation to track down Faith and Cameron is bound to create a stir.

Looking ahead, we can see that Sharon will be put in an uncomfortable position when Cameron backs her into a corner…