The Walking Dead's Most Unrealistic and Ridiculous Moments That Left Us Facepalming

The Walking Dead's Most Unrealistic and Ridiculous Moments That Left Us Facepalming
Image credit: AMC

These moments certainly had you saying, "Hold up, what just happened?!" If you are a fan of The Walking Dead, you know that the show, despite having lots of positive qualities, has its

These moments certainly had you saying, "Hold up, what just happened?!"

If you are a fan of The Walking Dead, you know that the show, despite having lots of positive qualities, has its fair share of cringe-worthy moments. Let’s take a moment to remember

Rick's magical coma recovery

First up, we have the moment that started it all: Rick Grimes waking up from his coma. Now, don't get us wrong, we love Rick, but the whole coma thing? A bit hard to swallow.

Our protagonist was supposedly in a coma for weeks, maybe even months, in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Yet, he wakes up well-hydrated, without a feeding tube, and somehow not a skeleton.

The infamous CGI deer

In a show known for its impressive special effects and makeup, this CGI deer sticks out like a sore thumb. The deer that we see in season 7, episode 12 looked more like a cartoon character than a real animal.

We get it, budgets and safety and all that, but come on, we've seen better CGI in video games from the 90s.

Carl surviving a shot through the eyeball

When Carl got shot in the eye, it was a shocker. But what's even more shocking is how he managed to survive it. We're no doctors, but a bullet through the eyeball seems like a pretty serious injury.

Yet, Carl not only survives but seems to recover pretty quickly. And let's not forget, this is the apocalypse. It's not like they had a fully equipped hospital or a team of top-notch surgeons on standby.

White teeth and stylish haircuts

Have you ever noticed how everyone in The Walking Dead seems to have perfect teeth and hair? Where are they getting their toothpaste? And who's giving them these stylish haircuts? It's a minor detail, sure, but once you notice it, it's hard to ignore.

Rick surviving an explosion

Is Rick a superhuman or what? He just doesn't seem to die, no matter what. In the crazy bridge scene in season 9, episode 5, Rick, bleeding like crazy, leads a massive group of walkers to a bridge and blows it up to save everyone else.

Turns out, he survived the explosion, fell into a river full of walkers, and somehow didn't drown, get bitten, or bleed out.